Tuesday, March 29, 2011

And Away We Go!!

Hey friends and family!  SO here's our Blog!  It's the night before the 'big leave' and I'm feeling pretty good...not super emotional, but it helps to know that we WILL be coming home, this way I know it's not 'Good Bye' for good...it's just for a bit. 
We got the trailer packed today...I'm amazed we made it all fit!  Mark built (yes, I said it right...he built it...NORMAL people just buy them) a little trailer for our van to pull...I wanted to bolt down my wooden rocking chair atop but Mark said NO WAY, I think he thought that might make things look TOO hill-billy! 
              We will be pulling out tomorrow - Wed. about 7-ish.  Mark needs to be in Monterey by Monday morning to report for work!  Iwill do my best to up-date this blog cause our family can't do anything in a boring 'non-eventful' kind of way...so at least this way I'll know I'm not the only one laughing at US!
Anyway, I need to go help Mark finish packing
Talk soon...Much love!!