Sunday, January 27, 2013

More coconut shrimp please!

So...I'm staring to become kind of a food-hippy! I feel like that because of our food journey (Now adding a possible dairy sensitivity with Ella)! I have had to read and research as if I were taking a final for a college class! You remember those weeks...where you tried to cram an entire semester of information into your brain...staying up all night and doing whatever it took! I know I've been learning a great deal about eating and nutrition I've even learned about stuff I never wanted to know...but I also have been sharing and posting a TON of paleo recipes on Facebook...paleo just basically says, “if you can grow it or kill it you should eat it...unless its been chemically engenired...but exclude legumes and peanuts(not all nuts just peanuts)” I can explain why...but it takes way too long! Paleo is also what you make it as family loves green we do eat have to take what you learn and make it your own...each person’s body is different so what's right for you may not work for someone else and with eating and health I do believe this.

Anyway, I've had tons of interest and lots of questions...this is also becoming a huge discussion across the USA right now as well.
The most common question I get is - which is a great question - “Have you actually made any of these foods you have posted?”

So I've decided to include the foods that we have tried in our families blog. Tonight's (which was last Thursday) dinner was amazing! I got this recipe from FB and just changed 1- ingredient because we didn’t have it on hand. I made carrots, (frozen) peas, and coconut shrimp! Yes, I made them. Now everything we ate tonight was “organic” we are trying as hard as we can do eat more organic foods because we know that organic just means nothing has been added to these foods - they are grown naturally...the way they used to be. I've seen the difference; organically grown fruits and veggies seem to have more “defects” to them as other fruits and veggies don't...we have also noticed a taste difference and really like that. But we live on a VERY lie, very tight budget so realistically organic will be a good treat when we can buy it! But I figured that by sticking to the paleo (organic or not) then we are still choosing the lesser evil!

Back to dinner. I steamed the carrots, added a little salt (dished Ella's potion out - pre butter) then added a little REAL butter...the peas I heated up in a pan with a little coconut oil and salt (portioning Ella's) then adding a little real butter and a nice pinch of organic Dill seasoning (one of my most favorites!) In fact dill now takes me back to Monerey Bay, CA the second I smell it, I'm back walking on the trail by the ocean! It was always growing wild everywhere! I craved that smell when pregnant with Callae!

Ok...the Coconut shrimp was amazing...Mark claimed it was better then any he'd eaten even in a restaurant! I took organic shrimp (a good portion of about 10 per person) thawed it under water then paper towel dried it off. Dipping them (I did this in 2 rounds) in an egg bath (2 eggs whisked in a bowl), then into a Baggie filled with:
1 Cup coconut shredding
2 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. salt
2tsp. Garlic powder
1/2 tsp paprika

Shook the bag then laid them out into a skillet of coconut oil...just enough oil to coat the pan (the shrimp were not floating). Let them fry for about 3 minutes on each side. Lets just say they were a HUGE hit with everyone...and not one kid asked for any kind of dipping sauce! In fact they all asked for more...we have a no seconds policy in our family...not because I'm mean but because I cook by the portions and each person is given their portion size the first time around...I wish we could allow seconds but our budget does not right now. Infact shrimp is something I've never bought or made in all my 10 years as a wife. I got a huge bag on sale for $12.99...the carrots were $6.99 (5-lb bag of raw big carrots)...and the family size organic frozen peas from Costco was $7.98. And the shredded coconut was $4.63 per lb. which makes this meal a total cost of $30.27...BUT WAIT! We didn't eat all of this food during this meal...we have at least one more shrimp least 4 more carrot meals, and 4 or more meals with the that made this one shrimp meal for our family of 6 (Callae didn't eat any shrimp only 5 ate)...the total was:$10.65
I'm pretty excited to know that!
Here are a few pictures of what the shrimp cooking looked was very tasty. I posted a recipe from FB and had to change 1 yes, we do use the recipes I post...I post them mostly so I can reference them...but I also happen to know several of you watch and repost them as well! Let me know which are your favorites too...I'll keep adding the ones we love!! Happy Paleo doing and eating!

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