Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stop calling me mom! (This took place this past Tuesday btw)

Today is seriously just one of those days!! Every now and then We ALL have them...if you think you don't are probably in denial or just flat out lying! We started off this morning the way it sometimes does...that kind of day when every time you here the word, "Mom!" You want to scream or pull out all your hair! I have this kind of day...oh, about once a month...I swear moods cycle too! This morning all the surrounding schools had a nice little 2-hour delay because we woke up to a temp of 4* I think this was smart...but of all the days for those around me to get to sleep in (because according to MY brain they all slept in until forever!) I was dragged out of bed by 7:30... Now lets go back a bit and let me explain cause I can just hear all your sighs and see your eyes rolling. I am an 8-8:30 kinda gal...BUT I have always gotten up with my kids...they've been 8-9 kids! I've had no complaints about this...instead I get criticized and called lazy...listen people, you stay home and homeschool you stay up until mid-night or 1 a.m. preparing for your next day...I've never been a morning glory...I'm a night owl. I am “blessed” with a burst of energy at about 11:30-12 so if I allow or make myself stay up until this time then I'm automatically up for a few more hours...this however doesn't mean early to rise either...I only wish...really I do...I feel like I waste some days by sleeping in...this also doesn't mean sleeping until 8-8:30 happens regularly because it also is not true. Mondays and Thursdays are always up at 7-7:15...Sundays are a very close to this time...the other days are a gamble because Callae calls the shots right now and she likes 7:30-8 most days...I guess I shouldn't let others “assumptions” of me bring me down...again I know it's because I woke-up in this mood!

Ok, so where was I? Oh yea, everyone in the universe was sleeping in until whenever they desired...everyone but me! Keegan came in first at about 5:45. He'd had a bad dream. Grissom soon followed by about 7 because this is the phase he is in! These children know NOT to come to mom's side of the bed to enter in...for “the mom beast” will eat them in the night without a second thought. So they always go to dad’s side knowing full well that they will be able to sneak in without disturbing him. Which is always reassuring when you think about just how heavy of a sleeper one has to be to NOT react when little people blatantly craw over your body...hope his sleep isn't always that deep in case of an intruder!

This morning with the mood I was in it just wasn't a good start...not only were both boys in bed with us but they had managed to plaster themselves against me and I was on the edge of the bed with no where to go! So I tried to adjust my thoughts to...just go back to sleep...there is good news to them entering in because they normally sleep until at least 8:45-9 in our bed. But NOT on this splined day, oh no...lets just say I shushed them (a mothers right) until 7:15...then it was over when I heard baby crying in her room minutes later! Well just jolly!

I wish I was happy to rise, it sure would make my life a lot easier! But I felt this morning as if I would lock the kids in a room and just sleep the day away. friends, I am NOT depressed, I've always been this way around my “girl-time” and there are others in my family who are known to carry this trait as well...for my life's sake they will remain unanimous!

I'm just saying...I am a true lover of sleep.

I fulling believe that good sleep helps make us healthy!

Back to my day...I drug myself outta bed put on my “stay-at-home-mom uniform” (sweats and a comfy shirt) added my fuzzy socks and slippers and my spiffy robe and I was ready to jealous!

I can't even tell you how many times I hear that word that makes me want to scream (mom) today before I even got downstairs...I can tell you I heard it at least 7 times on the steps alone! Ahhhhhhh!

I knew I needed to take action quick so I changed my name...again a mothers right...I told the kids, “I am no longer M-m! Today I am Suzette! (I've always thought that name was pretty). But a good 10 times of hearing that it too was gone! I sent Ella and Keegan into the school room to start their morning work - I set them up with all their work in the morning and then we do lessons together as needed after breakfast! I have found that they are old enough to do this now! Love it!
My day DID get better and well...we had a great day of school! But this was only Tuesday!! I still love sleep...and I am very thankful to have children that have slept in for the most part...I'm that one mom actually looking forward to the teen years when they sleep in until noon. No I won't let the. Sleep until noon, but at least ill get to sleep in until my 8-8:30! Yea, right...I'll have those one in a million kids who are get-up and go get’em teenage kids who want to change the world! Ha...I LOVE my life!

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