Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Keeping busy back in Monterey...

 So, it WAS super nice to have gotten picked up in San Jose where the sun was shining and the fog wasn't was a great day in the 90's not complaints.  The problem occurred when we got back to the apartment.  First let em brag on Mark...he cleaned and cleaned and cleaned!  Wow...I didn't know this crappy carpet was capably of looking so mush better!  He really worked hard and it was true evidence that he REALLY did miss us being around!  But being back here meant NO sun...cold weather (we are talking 50's still at night and a high 50's into low 60's)...and FOG!  Now, I understand many of you are sticking out your tongue at me because of the weather thing, but let me tell you - you'd feel the SAME way!  Yes, it IS cooler here...but it's COLD...when  you go from wearing almost nothing BACK to wearing layers of everything it's not super fun.  Plus when you add fog you are totally taking away from much playtime outside cause it's just too cold and misty.  So here are some pictures to show the kids keeping busy our first week the way today, AUG 31st was the first sunny day...still cold and windy, but we were able to bask IN the sun!! THANK YOU GOD!!!!
Mr. Leapster!!


Little Miss DSi/hippy girl!!

Building with our school stuff - it's a car track!

Daddy does science experiments with them on Thursdays!  I'm NO good with science...thank goodness HE is!!

Magnet learning!

My cocoon movie watch'n rest time'n lil guys!
Grissom LOVE this he napped there!
This is about a 2 foot space- the couch is too short to fill and the fireplace comes out from the wall...I've got my sewing machine in it's box under there...add the big couch cushions and his pillow and walla...the PERFECT resting nook!!  What a doll...I think I could kiss him till his skin falls off!

Indy Cell Phone Pictures... THIS one's not from INDY...this is actually from the post office here in Seaside.  The kids and I waited in line to pick up Keegan's special Bday gift from the was an awesome Lego Pirate Ship!!  But this pic was too cute NOT to share!!
 Once in Indy...we got busy...this was my big boy with his NEW hair cut...eating ice cream at the zoo...
 We all went to the dentist...the kids LOVE Uncle/Dr. Cope as their dentist...Griss even had a great 1st visit!!
 We ALL loved how HUGE Uncle Jeffrey's new tired are on his Jeep...Grissom:
 Eating lunch over at Nauna & Paw-Paw's...Grissom's such a brown-nosed angel...Anna's just over it though!!
 This is the girls giving can see...but Keegan was making fun of MY tummy...he did it first...SILLY ladies!!
 This was from the Lafayette Zoo:

Then of course we went to the State Fair!!

This one's old too: Daddy and the kids putting the Lego Pirate Ship together...

We had to SUPER fun time when the Wortley side of our family came to play...Papaw made these super cool air rockets...ALL the kids loved'em SO much!!   

I got to go to the Mercy Me / Third Day concert at the Fair Grand Stand...WITH our old Small Group...I had SO much fun!! 

Chill'n @ the pool...
Summer fun...

Fun Dip...

then resting to a movie...just the gals...

THIS is what Grissom looked like the entire 2 plane rides home...well, back to Cali...
 Keeg did a great job keeping busy AND keeping quiet...No dieing comments...
 Ella colored almost the entire time as well.  She didn't even want to come to our side...what a BIG girl!
 Daddy picked us up in his NEW (to us) Bug Car...How cute...or should I say Daddy crammed us into his:
 Yep...this is how we roll until baby comes:
Daddy picked us up and took us to The Old Spaghetti Factory in San was SOOOO yummy, and felt a little like home!  It was also so nice to fly into San Jose with the nice 90* weather...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Let's go back to Mark's Birthday!

Here's are fun pictures to show you his fun birthday weekend!!  We went to the festival of lights...super fun time!!
Daddy's Birthday Breakfast: Sausage and biscuits - Yum!
He got a big gift: A New to us Bug Car that's diesel and gets 48 miles to the gallon...but we also got him
this sushi kit to put together while the kids and mommy were in Indy (I can't do sushi right now)...

 This was on our way to the festival...yes...I found a tree!

Ella loved the slide...
 Keegan ROCKED the slide...

Grissom gave daddy a run for our $$...


Grissom loved these games & the candy
My princess!! 
What a day...
 Can you see me?  I'm taking a 'Mommy minute' out by the sea...
 They love each other...
 Add Grissom and Mommy and it's a super cute pic...

But why do Daddy and the boys always win?!
 My little model...
I LOVE their creativity!
 Saturday we took Daddy out for Wings and then Ice Cream...Grissom got MORE on him...
 Ella made Daddy a special hat like she made for Keegan on his day!!  Isn't he super cute!!
 @ this daughter will be completely withOUT redneck in the making!
 We ate this entire weekend!  This was Sunday...we still haven't given him his cake...

This is the picture Mark sent me to show me his amazing skills with making sushi...I CAN'T wait until he can make this for ME!!