Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Home in Indy

Ok…so we are back in Monterey…back to the cold dreary fog…but most importantly we are back together as a family!!  I can honestly say I ALMOST missed Cali…if it wasn’t holding my hubby hostage I would have been fine not coming back! 
                    Our trip home to Indy was…well once we made it home FABULOUS!!  It was everything I’d hope it would be and more!! 
                                                       Mark checked in the night before we were flying home to see mostly where we’d be sitting on the plane  and I kid you not, as I looked over at him I literally saw smoke coming out of his ear holes…he was SUPER mad!  “What’s going on?” I asked thinking that maybe they didn’t end up getting one of us on the flight (I was thinking that would be the worst thing possible).  The response didn’t come for awhile, he had to relax his mouth enough to allow the words to slip out.  He said, “I booked this flight for you and the kids way back in June so this would not be an issue…they’ve got all 4 of you sitting at different places in the plane!” 
                   Side note into my mind: I have to admit secretly I was almost delighted by this…’yea…I’m totally using the “village” to fly my kids home!!  I can’t wait…I’ll sit each one down in their seats, buckle them in of course, give’em kisses and let whoever’s sitting next to them know that each child has a back pack full of funness to keep them busy, wish them good luck and go onto MY seat…alone!!’  BUT…I wasn’t getting the same kind of vibe from Mark! Ha!!  So I changed my excitement to look more like total devastation and concern and really said, “They’ll fix it…there’s NO way they want to separate us!!”
                                       That next morning as we approached our check in gate with good’ol Delta Mark was on a mission or so he thought.  I prayed that calmness would be the theme of this day and all would be fine.  There were 2 ladies totally taken by my children not sure how cause I thought irritation might have been what should have caught their attention cause my kids were running in circles screaming, “YEA…we are flying…we are flying!!” The ladies asked if we were all flying and I simply said, “just me and the kids…” and explained our problem.  It was cute cause one of the ladies responses was, “uh-unh…oh-no they did not do that!  We’ll fix it for you, no worries!”
             Sweet!  So these ladies were able to get us 2 and 2 across the isle.  I was totally satisfied!  We said our good-byes, prayed that the kids would make it home alive, and took off for our gate.  Getting through security was such entertainment for those around us I had to laugh!  But all the kids did great…now the toughest part was having to force all 3 kids to walk the .25 mile to get to our gate BEFORE the plane took off and I must say we were the VERY last ones on this flight!  But by the time we’d gotten there the lady at the gate had managed to move a few people around and got us 3 seats on 1 side and 1 seat across that isle (I’m sure once they told the people about our family they had MANY volunteers to move! ha!).  The boys sat by the window while Ella and I took the isle seats and held hands across the isle!! 
                I WAS nervous for how it would work…but I wasn’t about to show fear…my kids can smell it!  And the flying was great!  Ella joined us after lunch and Grissom actually fell asleep on my lap.  Now you might think wow…she’s good…but the problem came once he fell asleep.  Not one but BOTH kids turned to me and said, “We have to go to the bathroom!”  Even though I corrected them by saying no they didn’t, I could see the sit-down-potty dance going on and I had to do something.  SO…I picked Grissom up, walked sideways to the bathroom while the other 2 ducks followed close behind.  We got to the bathroom and I heard the flight attendant who we loved getting screamed at by the head lady who was rude anyway…so I knew they’d be NO help…so I got the door opened and sent Keeg in first…after hearing the LOUD flush the 2nd time I knew he must be playing…so I opened the door (this time with my foot) and got him out and sent Ella in.  At this point I had NO pride!  It just so happened that we were closest to the bathroom in the front of the plane and it wasn’t until this point that I actually took a second to look back at all those riding in the plane with us…EVERY EYE was upon US!!  Yet, NO one got up or even offered to help…so I smiled and got El out as soon as I could…don’t worry I let some air go as I walked back to my seat! Ha!!  Take that Prego gas!!  Once seated the lady behind us did commend my talents…so I felt better!
                                                     What a sight it must have been to watch us in the MINN airport heading to our final flight.  We used the moving sidewalks every chance we had.  But I couldn’t get my kids to walk on them…in fact they found it important to lay down on them.  I didn’t mind as long as they left space for others to pass…cause I ALMOST joined them! 
                The second flight was a little more challenging but not by much.  I let Ella and Keegan take a side while Grissom and I were across the isle.  The only thing to report from that flight was Keegan.  We are minutes from landing.  Keeg didn’t like the sun in his eyes so he kept the shade down most of the time until of course the few minutes before landing.  You know that time I’m talking about…everyone’s strapped in, trays are up, and you are just getting ready to hold on to the arm rests hoping for a smooth end…when the plane nicely leans forward just enough to make you think this could be it…yeah…that was the same time Keegan grabs the shade of the plane, throws it opens and yells, “AHHHHH…we’re ALL gonna die!!” He throws the shade back down and I yell (over a huge roar of laughter) SORRY…dramatic 5 year old!!  As we were waiting to exit the plane we made MANY friends thanks to his assessment!
                It was SO good to be on the ground…it was good to be picked up by Jamie…it was great to be back in Indy!!  My favorite was pulling into my driveway, getting out of the car, and almost being taken down by Dana who’d run from across the street with Maria when they saw us pull in! 
                So…we had a little neighbor pow-wow…felt SO good!!  I hadn’t missed out…Dana and Maria and even Teigha had come to chat!!  It felt SO good to be home!  Funny how you don’t really get just how much you miss it until it’s gone for awhile…and you don’t really understand what you have until you’ve missed it!
                                             Our time at home was…ACTIVE!  Note to self: when flying AHEAD in time by 3 hrs. try NOT to plan anything important for a least 2-3 days afterwards!! Ha!  I had my first prenatal Dr. appointment that next morning!  It's REAL...heard that beautiful 4...there's NO turning back now!!  Then keegan had his 5 year Dr. appointment that next morning…and it went on and on…what I found to be sweet was that it was OK for my kids and I to sleep in until 10 a.m!!  Yes, college I missed you!  Too bad that didn’t last long either! 
                        That first week was quite a blur, I saw people, ran here, ran there, and never really stopped and I was staying up super late as well – 3 hours…it’s a quiet killer.  I was so relieved to know that we hadn’t missed ALL of summer…the neighbor kids quickly found their way over and my kids found their way to many houses each and everyday!  I found it extremely cute that there was now a group of “just girls” and “just boys”  Our little neighborhood gangs…or maybe more like the Buttercream Gang!! 
                                       That first Saturday we had a nice huge cook-out with the neighbors…I’d also had Mariah there all week to help me stay saine…and stay up late and chat!  I really don’t know how I would have handled everything without all her help!  It was also nice to have Jamie around when I got to see her…between me and my sneaking out to ‘mommy-play’ with the other gals and her working lots we didn’t have tons of time together.  I got to see just about everyone I needed to see and let me tell you…a pedicure with girlfriends is SO much better then going alone...Chili’s taste better when you are laughing before, during, and after every bite with a great friend...there’s no place like the State Fair…or Mercy Me/3rd Day @ the State Fair (too bad the Grandstand fell a few days later…how sad and tragic!)…family cook-outs or just pizza with family together is just with the best neighbors…even FULL of tears is the best place to be (good thing we were able to have a non—teary one that next week!)...Mark coming home even for just a short few days felt so right...the pool – ahhh…the pool it feels better with a sister and 1,000 kids splashing all around!
                             How great was our time at home you ask?  I can truly say there’s NO place like home!  I can’t wait to be back…my heart hurts to know that I will more then likely have to live there without Mark for bits and pieces of time again.  How do you live a life with someone who HAS to be so far away constantly?  This is only OUR life struggle.  Everyone has them our family is really no different from anyone else: the traveling hubby who comes home every night but after bedtime…the medical student far off trying hard to finish up so he can provide for his family…the father who takes a new job in a close by state to be able to spend time with his family but takes them all away from everything else they know and love…the hubby that stays up all night working trying to help his family make ends meet while mom has to work her tail off as well…or the Dad who has to raise his daughter now without the love of his life because Jesus took her home…life is hard: God tells us that trouble WILL come (not might) it’s how we hold each other up and encourage each other to keep moving that makes life what it is. 
                   We can do this…we can do life…together!  I am looking forward to my pride falling down and getting the help that I will need to live a great life.  I miss ‘home.’
  P.S. In case you didn’t know my dear friend Laurie Burnett who had fought with cancer for 4 years was taken home to be with Jesus while we were in Indy.  I’m only sad for her family she left behind.  Laurie loved them SO much and they were the ONLY thing keeping her fighting.  But the flesh is weak and Jesus healed her and she’ll NEVER look back…Way to go my friend I will miss you - you fought well!

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