Monday, August 1, 2011


Bacon, Eggs, watermelon...YUMMY breakfast...

He's awake and ready for his day...

Ella's gathering little sticks for the fire...

The morning beauty...

Our view on the way to the cave...

I AM here...

Kids just found these on the side of the road...

A family op...

WOW...this isn't even the largest!

This tree is 'mooning' us says the kids...ha!

Inside the lesson!

One of the biggest...

The #1 largest tree in the WORLD...

Another HUGE tree...sick of'em yet?

this was where the road got split up cause of the trees...

Just along the trail...

On our way down to the cave...


Getting our sweatshirts on and ready to go in...

It made me hungry for marshmallow cream!

pretty cool...with bats too...

I LOVE signs like this...this was the closest to seeing a bear in these woods that I wanted to see!

On our way driving around...

Huge...yes...I love trees...

This pic was mostly take for we drove through while he slept...

Just beside the road...

God IS so good...

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