Monday, August 1, 2011

Wortleys vs. the Wild: Our Last Day...

                       We slept in until oh, about 8 or so…well I should say everyone else was up by then…Mark had started a new fire and a new breakfast!  He's SO on top of things!  Everyone snuck around our camp as if a bear were sleeping in the tent…I think they were pretending I WAS A BEAR!  I got to sleep until 9!!  YEAH!!!!!!!! 
                 After the beast…I mean after I got up we hung out and played a little then packed up camp and took off for a few more sights before we left.  Our only concern at this point was now ALL our left over food was IN the van (in the cooler but still smellable by bears). So we knew if we’d stopped for too long it all had to come out and go into a bear box in the parking lots. 
                Mark’s plans today consisted of heading ALL the way down to the valley to see a few things as well as a waterfall.  But his plans included mostly driving and viewing not much in and out of the van type doing.  We were all tired, dirty, and just a little grumpy at this point. 
                       As we drove down the mountain our breath was gone by ALL the beauty we passed.  How amazing!  And yes, I was still quoting my verse!  We found the river and followed it, how angry it looked!  Talk about violent rapids and total roughness as it rushed across the huge boulders in the middle.  We stopped for lunch in another village…wow these villages make money!  It only cost $60 for all of us to have a cheeseburger…at least they were BIG and really yummy! 
                        After lunch we went down by this river for a few pictures!  We drove onto the waterfall.  Once we got there we reluctantly left our van – there weren’t any bear boxes at this stop – and walked back on the trail to the falls.  We could hear it from the parking lot which told us it wasn’t that far away, but still we wanted to hurry.   Oh, did I tell you it was a heaping 98 degrees at the bottom of the valley?  So there IS a heatwave going on!  Again we were very thankful we stayed up in the camp sight that we did…we were good with being a little cold at night – cause for cuddles!!    OK…so the walk was short and the falls were gorgeous!
                Excitement however can’t be far from the Wortleys for as we walked back to the van I spotted a snake not far from the path.  So we stopped and told the kids to come check it out…too bad Keegan about stepped on the thing!  Mark grabbed him as the little snake pulled back in fear!  But this snake was not only little and almost cute, but it was beautiful with color; black and white strips covered its whole body with 1 red strip at its head and one red one at its tail.  If it was without the red we know it’d be a California King Snake which is harmless, but when you add the touch of red it becomes a snake we can NOT find anywhere to identify.  We are sending our picture to the park so they can tell us what type of snake it was.  We watched it for a little while as this little guy went to seek shade.  Then I sweetly told mark I was done with adventure and we got back into the van. 
                     But silly me as we were driving back I noticed a fun sign that would be a great picture for our adventure and we stopped again.  We had to cross the road to get to the sign, and when we got there the picture was cute as can be with just the kids!  But as we were heading back across the road to the van Ella screams at the top of her lungs, then says, “SNAKE!!”  Sure enough cameo-ed into the rocky ground was a nice RATTLE snake making his way towards our van…but when he heard us screaming he must have gotten scared (I think our kids can scare anything!)  And made his way the other direction into the brush…so I tried to take its picture, not sure if you can see it, but look close.  After the snake disappeared I noticed again ONE last PERFECT picture spot…in fact I was thinking CHRISTMAS CARD perfect!  So…we followed the snake path (not totally) and threw the kids on this log and left them to take the cutest picture!!  Then I was told ENOUGH!  So…we got into the van and let for home…or should I say back to the shoe box!!  What a weekend of Adventure!

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