Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting over Riah leaving...

Ella LOVES reading...especially when she can get someone to sit and listen, shhhhhh, don't tell her daddy's 'resting!' 

This is Denice the Menace...the kids have played and played and played at this park...seeing this statue but never getting who it was...UNTIL Grissom went and touched him!!  Now we read all about him in the paper!!

A REAL cowboy!!  He wears every one's shoes all around the apartment...and you'll trip over them all the time, yeah...kid stuff!

this is the fountain at the mall that the kids got to net some rubber duckies...it's got a seat around it which puts you above the water...

Aren't they pretty, the flowers AND the kids...

Keegan's 'Tiger' Shark...

Grissom's Red slug-bug...

Ella's Whale and getting her hair braided...

I know...we ARE obsessed with trees...but didn't YOU climb them when you were a kid?  You can find Mark and Ella up pretty high!!

Grissom had been playing in my room for a nice long time, I'd just finished cleaning out our closet and he comes walking out of our room with these on.  He comes up to me and with these squishy cheeks he says, "Mom, take my pi-ture...SHEESE!"
He makes me laugh ALL the time!!

Keegan thought he was spying on me as I worked on my eyebrows in the bathroom...I couldn't resist...
Onto Keegan's Birthday week...

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