Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Depression buster after the Cope's Left

We just went out to find a NEW spot of rocks that we hadn't discovered yet.  We LOVE rocks! Enjoy these pictures:

First off...notice the water in all these pictures...this time a year the bay acts more like a lake and not like the ocean.  There are still waves that come in but you don't see near the white caps that we've been used to.  Very calm and quiet...lake-like...
 The kids used their OWN $$s to buy these nets...their goal today: catch SOMETHING alive...poor birds...I think they chased everyone of them away.  We finally had to make a rule that birds were off limits when it came to the nets!  Save the birds...save the birds!!  Does this make us "bird-huggers?" ha!!
Grissom's posing after saying, "Mom, take my pi-ture!"

Yes...Grissom's without clothes.  Within the first 3 minutes he fell face first into the cold water...with the sun out it was warmer for him to be without the wet clothes...we cuddled him and wouldn't let him go into the water much afterwards!

Keegan thought himself SUPER brave to be holding a dead crab!  What a manly man!

No catches yet...

Mark - exploring...


...and the mom...I really do go on all these adventures, but I'm more of a behind the scene kind of mom!

Ella's very happy to have a net now!

Sitting and watching for wild life in the ocean...

See how calm and still it is?

Time to leave...daddy has to work!

So we played a bit of Little Mermaid with our pillowcases!

We took a stroll to the Fisherman's Wharf...

I LOVE trees, but not enough to hug them...

this is a side view of the Wharf...

and the boats...this shows a bit of the fog rolling in too.

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