Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pictures of our NEW 5 year old!

Our first handwriting lesson...
Keegan using his 'sorting' skills!!
 Ella reading Baby Moses to Keegan...Keegan loved for her to read to him, it's SO cute...
 Good Morning Birthday BOY!!
 The kids all fight over this remote controlled 'Mader car...thanks Aunt Mamie!
 Shopping $$ he was bummed that he'd used all his $ to buy the net so this made him SUPER excited!!
 He also loves his new California shirt and Transformers book, thanks Grammy & Papaw!!
 This toy was awesome to take camping...but in the apartment, not so much...you have to watch out cause these darts are always flying...and it really does hurt to get pegged in the head with them...he LOVES to shoot the window!!  Thanks (I think) Nauna & Paw-Paw!!
 His awesome dinner.  Ella made him his special Birthday hat...isn't that sweet of her!
 Earlier in the day during school the kids made the monster masks...so they wore them for cake!
 I for some reason didn't bring my cake stuff...so this was his little Monster cake...he loved it!

Grissom thought it funny to eat with his face...

...I guess it WAS a little funny!

Why is he SOOO cute?!?

Ella had a hard time parting with her gift to Keegan, Kidding she was reading him the title, "The Wizard of 'Ha's' a Veggie Tale movie!

We got him this little kids shaving kit.  He was super thrilled...funny the things that got him!

And a Cars Racetrack!

So what did he decided to play with first? He NEEDED to shave before bed!  We figured it wasn't a bad idea to bath the kids before our camping trip cause we'd be going 3 days in the wild without showers...

the funny part about him shaving was that he knew just what to do and he didn't even watch as he rinsed his razor...he went right back to shaving!

How fun!

The ONLY thing that could have made this birthday any better would have been to be at home, BUT thanks to all of our family (I know it's NOT cheep to mail out gifts) but seriously, THANK YOU for sending them...this really helped him keep his mind off of being all the way out on the other side of the country!!  Also a big thanks goes out to Papaw Mac and the Copes, Papaw sent a special card...which they LOVE reading up-side-down (ha!), and he got a Pirate Lego Kit from the Cope's!!  LOVE IT! Thanks!!

        Now...onto our camping experience...are you ready for that?!? ha!  I'm sure it'll be a 'wild hoot!'

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