Thursday, July 21, 2011


So…there’s no hiding this ANY farther…we are pregnant.  There I said it…out loud as I typed it.  I think this is one of only a few times I’ve admitted to it.  So…here’s what happened (well…not the science of it all) God and I had been talking…Mark and I had been talking…in fact if you know me close at all you also know that we’d been talking about #4 for awhile now…it’s no secret…so here’s the problem…we had a plan and God trumped it!  Mark and I…hmmm that’s silly, I’ll correct that, I was controlling everything down to the due date of this #4…which meant we’d start trying for #4 when we knew where Mark was going to be next…hmmm…see this was the plan I told God all about…and well I guess he said No now is the time.  So…#4 IS happening and its due date is around Feb.10th 2012
  I think the kid’s constant prayer for a baby sister might come true…now we are trying to also prepare them for the thought that it could be ANOTHER baby brother!! 
I’m feeling good, nice a sick here and there mostly in the mood for fruity candy (gummy bears) or ice cream or sweet pickles…and the anything cheesy!  I’m gagging every time I brush my teeth…and that’s always fun and attractive.  I feel like I’m too old for this…it’s one thing to THINK you’d like to have another but it’s completely different to actually have it happen!  Regardless, this is God’s plan for our family and we are going to have more adventure in our lives…not like we need more of that but it will sure keep life fun!  I think Mark’s really excited…I woke up one night not too long ago with his hand cupping my tummy, it was sweet.  One second I think it’s a piece of cake, I mean after all I watched Maria have 4…her biggest battle was getting Emma to come out in the first place, but her life seems so much easier to watch…the next second I’m visualizing my life with 4…being outnumbered by 2 now instead of just the 1…now I really will have to get a long rope and make them hold on to it just to stay together (you know like a teacher uses to get her class down the hallway without losing one!) 
It also makes me happy…for a time now I’ve just had that feeling…feeling that we weren’t done and that someone was missing.  We really struggled with whether to have #4 or adopt #4…I’m glad God just answered that one.  I’m also sad…this will be the first child born who won’t get the privilege to be held or seen by my Mamaw or my Nana…that hurts…heaven will have to be their first meeting…better still.
  So go ahead, laugh at me…just know that life will be funnier for us and you’d better HIDE your laughter or I won’t tell you ANY MORE family/funny stories!! So there!
Anyway…kind of a tacky way to tell some of you about this…but I guess you can understand my emotions are not good and talking to you over the phone will just make things harder…yes, I’m crying ALL the TIME!!  Ella got mad at me the other day and said, ‘Mom?!  What’s your problem?  You are being such a crybaby…why are you crying all the time?!?! I mean really!”  Ha!! 
  When we told the kids Ella’s response was AWESOME…our prayers finally worked!  So is that a working definition of perseverance or what!!  It WAS pretty funny to tell them to STOP PRAYING cause as soon as Mark said that Ella got the crazy idea to pray for twins – NOT COOL!!  Seriously…We’re going to have to duct tape their little mouths cause if they pray for any more babies I’m running!  Ha!!
So there you have it…yea for us…yea for you that none of you HAVE to be around me while I get through the yucky part of pregnancy!!  Please pray for a healthy baby…oh, and it wouldn’t hurt to add ‘cute’ to your prayers for this baby too…I’m a little worried…how many cute babies/kids can 1 family have in a row…I’m betting 4 but who knows! Ha!!  KIDDING!! But you have to admit, you thought about that too! Hahahahahaha!!

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