Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pictures with Riah!!

This was during the super HOT parade in which we sat in the 90* no shade hot sun and the kids got NO candy...what's a parade without candy?  oops!

Yes, the 3 amigo's made an appearance!

This parade was FULL of patriotism...and a few other things...I mostly added the other things to this bunch...cause it was super funny!

Yes...even the Arabian Prince joined in our freedom celebration!!
This was AFTER ALL the hussel and bussel of trying to find many parks and finally went to the fireworks' area...which happened to be the BEST place to play...we played football...


Beach Ball...

Bubbles...running...tackle each other...mommy rests...

and playing with Riah!!

Finally dark enough for the works to start!!

they gave the kids free glow sticks and Gris got his 'bing' on his 'Ga-Ga!"

Too bad he fell asleep after the first firework and we couldn't get him to wake up for the life of him...poor little guy...between the play and the heat he was BEAT!

We took Riah to pick-yur-sef and stocked up on our berries: Strawberries, Boysenberries, Olallieberries - YUMMY!!

I took Riah shopping...made her look super cute! ha!

Ft. Ord was cold for us sitting and watching the kids, but Grissom had his clothes off before no time...but got cold, duh!
Like I said before, we had a super fun time.  We sure love Riah as if she's apart of our family!  My kids truly went into depression when she left!!

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