Thursday, June 30, 2011

Just some more funny stuff!!

                          So…we had to change the rules completely of the slug-bug game…don’t worry, I still get to ‘slug’ (cause we don’t hit, “thank you Keegan!”) Mark when we see them…in fact Mommy changed a rule too…I get to ‘slug’ daddy when I get a bug AND when any of the kids get them! Yeah mommy!!  But we had to change the main rule because ELLA took this game totally too serious and too much to heart!  We were in the car and I heard something I never hear now a days, peaceful giggles and fun times…kindness.  What was the cause of this?  As it turned out Ella had tons of ‘slug-bugs’ and Keegan only had 2 (because he’s just not that into finding them) anyway, Ella wanted life to be even so she gave Keegan just enough to make them both have the same number of slugs…now things are even – AWESOME!!  U-N-T-I-L Keegan pipes out of nowhere to find 3 slugs IN A ROW!!  Holy dysfunctional family comes out.  All of a sudden I have whining and crying, and not just a little crying…I’m talking throwing themselves on the floor pushing out the screaming and crying!!  Again this was all going on without me really understanding what had happened to the joy from earlier…it took almost 20 minutes to calm Ella down just enough to understand what in the world had just tortured and killed her very soul!  It had everything to do with Keegan ‘WINNING’ (thanks to you Sheen I can’t EVER hear this word and NOT think of your low-sorry life!)  And Ella said, “and…when…I…asked him to share with me so we could be even again…he…said…noooooo (back to screaming!)”  So needless to say we’ve now taken ALL competition out of life with the Wortley’s…where does this come from you ask…do I have to answer??  My way is more like Keegan’s – lets share and have fun altogether…I’ll just tell you this much…it’s MARK!  So now the new rule is that no ONE gets their own slug bug…we now have a counter (thanks to Carlie downloading it to my phone) and we count all the bugs we find as a whole…then every time we hit 100 we get to go out for ice cream!!  SWEET!!  We are close to 200!!  We took the competition out for Ella so now she’s all in without the fear of losing and we added the ice cream aspect for Keegan and now he’s all into helping – ha!!
  We were standing on our hill I was holding Grissom and talking to Mark.  My back was turned form the road and Grissom yells, “SUG-UG!!” then proceeds to ball his hand up and whack me with the back of his balled hand!!  I cracked up when I turned around just in time to see a cream slug bug driving up our hill/road!  We’ve even poisoned HIS little eyes! Ha!!

We woke up to the SUN!!  Yeah!!  The day before I was on the couch most the day with a terrible headache…it was strange.  Everyone else ended up getting one by the end of the day.  I think it was the cold front coming through cause everyone’s head felt better after the rain was over.  Anyway we got up and took off for a new area to see.  We found ourselves parking at a local sightseeing spot in Pacific Grove.  We climbed down to a small beach area mostly covered with rocks.  It wasn’t until we got down by the water that we were amazed.  All of a sudden we forgot we were at the ocean…it felt like we were at the lake.  There were NO waves.  No joke.  The ocean was still and calm.  The water had small humps here and there but you saw NO white caps…it was astonishing.  And I wanted to know why (there’s a shocker).  There were only 3 other folks around; an older man, his wife, and a little boy who looked to be about 3-4.  So I asked them what the deal was with the waves…this started a good 1 ½ hour talk with this couple.  But let me first tell you that this is the time of year here that the ocean is still and quiet...HOW COOL IS THAT!!  I never thought I'd see the ocean look like a lake!!  And here Mark thought the apocalypse was upon us! ha!! They wanted to know everything about our being out there.  Then they told us their story.  He was retired from the military; they’ve come up here from San Diego to retire.  They had 3 kids and they were so sweet and such an encouragement.  It totally lifted us up from where we were!  It left us wanting to be closer to our friends and family but it also reminded us that we are making the right choice to be together…even If that means out here…we are together!  It was cute cause the second their daughter came up (she’d been running which was why they were there) they told her ALL about us and it almost got embarrassing cause they kept telling their daughter, who was visiting, how awesome we were.  I think we really reminded them of their lives way back when and it fueled a flame of memories that got them excited!  It was just a cool morning to have.  Thank you God for hidden blessings!  And thank you that I’m SO like my Papaw B and am not afraid to talk to random people – ha!!
We grabbed our favorite Subway for lunch…I REALLY think we are keeping them in business out here it’s the ONLY place we can go and all eat healthy without breaking the bank…we try to hit a different store every time we go, but I think some of the workers are recognizing us in some of the stores! Ha!  Anyway, we took it to a park to eat while the kids played before Ella’s gymnastics.  We were going to stop at a different park but we noticed that the daycare kids were all over it.  Now STOP!  I’m not diss'n the daycare kids…I just saying things get rough when you don’t have enough of the right kind of…overseeing…responsibility…workers…please do NOT take this personally…its just a fact!  Anyway, we decided to go onto the next play place cause we knew it would be less habituated.  But as we passed by Ella said, “Why aren’t we stopping here?”  I said, “Because the daycare kids are out…and we want to eat lunch and well, sometimes Grissom can get run over by the bigger kids…” Keegan interrupted with, “the bully kids mom?”  “Yes, Keeg the bully kids.”  Then Keegan says, “Mom…we gotta go there, I wanna shove those bully kids over!!”  I turned around and looked at him and said, “Keegan!  If you do that then you are being just like the bully kids!!”  Then there’s like 30 seconds of quiet a.k.a. Keegan’s thinking then we hear him say to himself, “Great…I’m already a bully kid!  Now what!!”  HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  How cute is that…at least he can see he needs to be careful NOT to be a bully kid!!
                Later today I took the kids to the play set down the road after Ella’s gymnastics’ class.  The sun was still out so I laid on a bench reading while the kids played like monkeys.  We’d been there all of 25 minutes when I glanced over and saw Ella under the slide pulling at her shorts…I’d thought she’d pulled clothes to the side and was relieving herself under there!  I said, “El…what in the world are you doing…come here!”  She came right over as I was sitting up to talk to her.  As soon as she came up she said, “Mom, it’s ok…I’m fine.” But I smelled something not good…I asked her if she tooted and she looked at me and said, “No…great…I’m 6 and I just pooped my pants!” then we BOTH started cracking up!!  Good thing home was just up the hill cause by the time we got there Grissom had gone in his diaper…and Keegan’s holding himself yelling, “But Mom…I have to poop too!!”  I have always said life only gets hard when everyone has to poop at the same time and you only have 1 potty!  Ok…so I’ve never said that until this happened…but I’m saying it NOW!!  (Cause you can only slap a monkey SO many times!!!)

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