Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Big Sur Hike

For Father's Day we wanted Mark to choose what we did all day Saturday.  He wanted to go hiking again!  So we took off for the famous Big Sur.  It took a nice 45 minutes to get there because we drove the coastline which was BREATHtaking...and nerve wracking.  Breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL...yet nerve wracking because in some area's you have no shoulder...it goes straight down into the ocean!  In fact some of the pictures you will see are of the big Highway 101 - it fell into the ocean because of a mudslide.  This happened just before we got out here...so they've temporarily fixed it by just making it a 1 lane road...funny as we drove over this part how you could see where the road just broke off...they tried to hide it but not too well!  These pictures are not from our hike...just the ride down there!
We loved this sign.

these cows just hanging out next to the ocean.

AHHH, beautiful!

This is the one lane 'fix'

I felt totally save with the wall there, thanks Cali.

This is one of the famous bridges...build in the 1930's I wanna say?  I'll check and get back with you...very spooky knowing you'd plummet to you death if you went over the side...Mark drove great!

This was a stop along the way...looking back at the other bridge...this is my favorite.

this is government property...it was neat to see the lighthouse on this land.

So...watch out for mother's and their children crossing...where would they be crossing? hmmm...this was funny!

This was a neat find.  We stopped along side of a pull-over spot and I found this cute home with my big'ol lense!  How cool is that house? I want to build this around our house and a few of our neighbors! ha!!

Well, duh!!  Yes, Scott...I got carsick! 

And WATACH OUT for pigs crossing the street in single file manner!  ha!!  Mark did get serious after we saw this so we descussed our 'what if we run into a wild pig plan...'  I didn't know they had plans like that!  So my plan was to run and for Mark to save the kids...but he said, NO...you don't run...so I think I'll just throw bacon at the things...you know threaten them! ha!!
Yeah...we made it!  Now a picnic lunch and ON we go!!  To be continued...

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