Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Carlie & Aiden ARE HERE!!! YEAH!

                                         So I thought for some reason we picked Carlie and Aiden up at like 10:30 P.M. at the San Jose airport which is a nice 1 3/4  hours away…so I thought that would give me all day Monday and Tuesday to get prepared…I WAS SO WRONG!  Their plane came in at 4:55p.m. Which was fun cause we got t o see them for awhile but that meant I had lots to do in not a lot of time!  But no fears…I got it all done!
Monday and Tuesday were 2 of the most beautiful days we’ve ever seen here…we ended up at the beach for awhile on Monday because it got up to 80 degrees AND the sun was shining! Let me tell you it ALMOST felt like we were home in Indiana having a 90+ degree day!  And Tuesday wasn’t much different.  So before we left for the airport and daddy for work we hung out at the pool for a few hours!  The water was still TOO cold for me but Grissom jumped and jumped and jumped and swam around a little…then went back to jumping and jumping and jumping!  Ella and Keegan had a blast as well!!  Mommy loved the WARM sunshine…so I read!  It was funny and ironic cause I had just told Carlie that she needed to bring layers and not to both bringing a tank of anything of that sort…when we got to the airport it was only 94 degrees! Ha! 
                           I did get a call from Dana right before we picked them up…man oh man, it’s ALWAYS good to hear her voice which made it even more exciting to go in and find Carlie and Aiden! 
                 Ok, so we got to the baggage claim and found some seats to wait in.  This area was pretty empty and Carlie had text me that they had landed. 
                                           Now…go back to the car ride.  Before we left I got gas (for the van funny guy!) and grabbed a bag of peach rings for the kids.  Each kid got 6 each to last them the long ride.  Ella and Grissom totally swallowed them whole.  I noticed Keegan playing with something after about halfway of our trip.  I asked him what he had. He answered, “Mom, I’m going to save this last candy of mine to give to Aiden, I think he will really love this and I can’t wait to see him mom.”  He smiled and held onto that silly ring that whole entire ride…carried it into the airport and gave it to Aiden!  Now this sounds cute…but if you stop and think about MY Keegan and how important food (esp. candy) is to him then you’ll also understand just had sweet and sacrificial this was.  I think I’ve never felt more proud of Keegan so far in his life.  I was surprised by this and completely thrilled to hear his thoughts.  Thank you Jesus for working in this boys life!!  Praise YOU! 
              OK…back to the waiting area.  I decided the corner was the best place for us to wait out of the way.  This also gave us a great view to watch for them.  Carlie and I saw each other and had the same idea…they grabbed their one bag and started towards us and we started towards them.  I WISHED I would have had my video camera…it was SSSSSOOOOO cute…everyone stopped to watch.  Aiden is running towards us…Keegan is running towards him and they are both screaming out the other’s name…Ella’s right behind Keegan and Grissom is running behind her trying to keep up and yelling just because his brother is…they met with the biggest hug ever!  It was a cousin bomb!!  Then Carlie started screaming for me and we ran to each other…we figured the kids are doing it…why not! YEAH!!!!!!!  Friends/Family!!!!!
Once we got the kids in the van our ears ran like NO other…I can’t tell you the feeling of totally thrillment (is that a word?  It IS now!) that I had.  We didn’t get too far when we decided we needed to get dinner.   So we found a beautiful mall with CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) and we ATE up!  We also HAD to go into the Lego store…Aiden’s ½ Lego and Keegan is now in love with these little pieces of…plastic that stick together, yea……………….more little pieces to step on….organize…..and store somewhere!!  Yeah….thank you Aiden for turning my son into a Lego kid!  We got home just in time for a late bedtime…and even with Aiden’s time change they hung out, giggling, laughing, and giggling more until at least 9:30-10 p.m. which is super late when you think about Aiden’s time being 12:30-1 a.m.!! 
                        Carlie even shocked me.  I told her I’d be cool with her going to bed (she’s NOT a night gal like me!) but even she held out until about 10:30 with me!!  Crazy girl!  It was SO nice and relaxing just to have her hang with me…which is already got me a little homesick.  I’m having to work hard not to get stuck in a rut with her here cause I really do want her to see that we are having a great time.
                       What a day. 
    Woke up to more fog then we’ve had in awhile!  Go figure cause I couldn’t show Carlie how great it can be here!  And back to cold…it was a high of 78 today…but the fog never left so we got up to 63 which isn’t bad in the sunshine…but no matter.  The boys were up and crazy by 7 a.m. so I did what I do best as a mom…I tossed them on the couch…laid with them while they watched Mickey Mouse Club and I dozed off and on until Carlie got up!!  We had a pretty restful morning.  Then we bundled up and went to show them Ft. Ord!  Where Aiden got to experience the sand walls/dunes…and boy oh boy did the kids have a ball.  My kids couldn’t stop showing Aiden what to do meanwhile Aiden quickly picked up on things and was all over the place.  Carlie and I walked down the beach a little way and just hung out.  It didn’t take Mark very long to join the kids playing…so cute! 
                               We then headed to a New Mexican restaurant.  Carlie asked for queso dip and the lady had NO idea what we were asking for…I think when I get back home we will be LIVING off of queso for awhile!!  Oh, I love cheese and chips!  It was a little hole in the wall and it was super yummy too!!  They also won by having normal looking RED salsa to dip our chips in.  Everywhere else we’ve tried had given us different colors salsas…so strange and just too scary for me or the kids to try.  Yummy lunch! 
          Then off to Ella’s gymnastics class!  Carlie was excited to watch her and Ella was pumped to show off!  I was ok with skipping the class but Ella wasn’t…so we all went!  After class we let Grissom take a nap while the other kids rested to Tangled!  Then I got to fix dinner ALONE while Carlie took the kids out to the play set with the kids!  It was SOOOOOOOOO nice…prolly the nicest thing I’ve even been given.
After dinner we HAD to hit Cold Stone Creamery to end our fun night!   

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