Monday, June 13, 2011


I’d laid out all the kids clothes the night before cause I wanted nothing to get in the way of us getting started as early as possible…trust me when I tell you we always take longer than needed/wanted to get our crew out the door when it comes to early morning!    Everything was going great; the kids were all dressed and ready to go to breakfast.  Mom and Dad sat them down on the couch to tell them the ‘big’ news, and when the kids found out I must say their reaction was not so exciting!  At least Mark and I were jumping up and down yelling, “Yeah…we are REALLY going to Disney Land!!”
                 The kids were excited that much was obvious, but I was looking for more of complete super hyper explosion of excitement!  I think Keegan was more excited about eating breakfast! Ha!!  Our timing was great until breakfast…I guess every other guest there had the same plans as we did…no problem, we got through and were on our way to the shuttle bus!  I can see the kids’ excitement levels rising as the bus pulls up…too bad the ticket taker machine on the bus STOPPED working so instead of this nice little 10 minute ride it took a nice 45 minutes-an hour to get there!  That poor bus driver had to stop and sign everyone’s ticket!  Be like the fur tree…brush it off, flow with the wind…no problem…so we missed our meeting all the characters in Toon Town before the opening…we’ve got tomorrow, right? 
                                I wish I could have captured the look upon my babies’ faces as we walked into the park!!  It was going to be a great day!  Check out these pictures…We started with the famous, “It’s a Small World” ride…and it was over, and they were hooked…more and more! 

Come on Paw-Paw...faster!

The real princess castle!  After we saw this we could see Ella's wheels turning and Nauna asked her, "Is this everything you thought it would be...or maybe a little different?" Ella replied,"Yea...but different" after prodding a little more it turns out Ella thought that once we entered this Magical land...we'd become cartoons like the was cute.  Mom told her that it was more like what it looks like to see the cartoons come to REAL life!  Ella was satisfied!

"It's a Small World after's a small, small world" Come on...sing know you want to!

"Woody, Woody, Woody, Woody, Woody, and Hee-Haw!!" Grissom still goes nuts after seeing this picture!

'Allison' Ella...better known as Alice IN Wonderland to the rest of the world!

This behind the tree is Rapunzel's tower.  She sat inside getting pictures with kids...even Ella wasn't up for the 2+hr wait just to stand by her.  She got a good peak at her though, and again Magic came to life in her head!  From then on she HAS to sit and sing the 'Flower' Song while someone (Nauna started this - THANKS Nauna!) brushes and brushes her hair!!

Ok...let me explain this one.  We stopped at this BBQ place for lunch and they sing while you eat.  We got front row sitting.  This lady asked for the little kids to come help her.  Ella wanted to go...but Keeg was a NO WAY, so we told her to take Grissom she did and he went unbeknowest and happily.  He's the kids in the VERY middle with the Ga-Ga (Pacifier) and NO shirt just standing there with his fingers in his belly button.  Ella on the other hand you'd have thought we forced to go up.  She stood with her back to the crowd and a grumpy face this entire song...I guess this was her getting over stage freight cause the next time this lady asked for helpers she was the first to go and front and center every other time!

In fact, while the lady was doing a song Ella walks right up without us paying much attention and gets her picture!  what a brave little girl!

And yet when the man came over to sing to her she got super embarrassed!

The guy sang a nice little lullaby for Grissom and help me get him to sleep! He was a hit!!
Mr. Map...good thing he kept us going!

Peak-a-boo, I love you!!

After the Winne the Pooh ride we got a family pic!

then cotton candy EVERYWHERE!

I Loved riding the rides, Grissom ONLY wanted mommy...he felt mommy was the only one who could protect him...some of these rides were a little scary...but MOMMY LOVED IT!

We tried to no avail to pull that silly sword out of that stone...

We got to see the first parade of the season!  This was a huge highlight...we ALL loved it, even Mark...the man who hates parades!

Look at the bottom, you'll see Mr. & Mrs. Duck paying Homage to the great o'Mighty Swan!!  It was funny!

Back to the parade!  I think Grissom was really working hard not to fall over...poor kid
Ella was LOVING all the princesses and their dances...ok...mommy too

Rapunzel was at the end of this one...which again struck a chord of magic in my little princess
What a great way to end the first night!  We did a few other things after this but everyone was pretty pooped - Mom and I ran into the shops on our way home and Nauna & Paw-Paw bought the boys fun Pirate shirts and Ella a Rapunzel dress...She went ballistic when they gave it to her...she was TOO excited to wear it ALL the next day!!
We had not ONE complaint from any of my children...not one...and I'm NOT kidding!  I thought it too good to be true so i was preparing us for day 2...a meltdown from someone HAD to be on its way.
Once we got the kids down Mark and I slipped away for some hot tub'n time!  Relaxing!!
To be Continued...

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