Monday, June 27, 2011

Blues Sunday...

              We finished our weekend with a great Sunday church service!  It was Blues Sunday…Now something you gotta understand is that Blues Music (a.k.a. bluegrass in some areas) is VERY the thing here!!  Monterey had their major blues festival over this weekend…shoot, we missed it oh well.  So as we walked into the sanctuary things didn’t look really different, they had a very small choir which we’d seen before and they had lots of fun instruments added to the normal band on stage.  A harmonica station, banjo, stuff like that…then they started playing…HOLY BLUES for Jesus!  All I could think about was how much my father-in-law, yes you Scott would have liked it…it was loud and happen.  They did a good 3-4 songs this way, then slowed it down but what I found to be kind of funny was as you looked around you noticed all the moms and dads and grandparents jamming while the younger generation just stood there with their mouths wide open with a shocked look upon their face.  It was what I’d call an ‘OLD-ER’ folks jam party!  It was a fun time…I’m SO thankful that God created music…I wouldn’t be able to live without it, and I’m also SO thankful that this kind of jamming music finds its way into churches…God gave us the hearts to jam and sing and listen and dance…I just love that no matter how old a person is…music moves!  We left church feeling more homesick then ever…I left with tears in my eyes and Mark just felt an overwhelming sensation of depression.  See we had a guest come to preach, Randy Frazee.  This man mentors and is the boss of another man I adore and follow in life, Max Lucado!!  Randy’s from Texas!  He got up and preached about Crowded loneliness…’Making Room for Life – Squeezing Living Out of Live’  It was so much how Mark and I have been feeling about life for a few years now.  He basically talked about how people are suffocating themselves socially thinking that if we JUST had this other thing to do (to add to the millions of things/groups/programs we already do) then we’d be happy and make friends and life would be better…but this is pulling us away from contentment…living life the way it was meant to…enjoying the people that you are living life with.  He told us that a while back when they were in the midst of family everything (their kids were young and playing tons of sports, they were involved in Small Groups, Bible Studies, play groups, etc) they had an “Ah-ha” moment…they decided to stop and stay at home and live life with the people around them…their neighbors…and the family that was within close proximity to them…and stop being super involved in everything.  And they have full lives without any regrets!  It made us miss our wonderful neighborhood and amazing neighbors more then we have ever missed anyone…it made us long for summer cook-outs and blow-up pool parties…and THE GREAT AMERICAN CAMP-OUT…and fun family gatherings…it also gave us a peace about life and that before we came out here we felt like we were very much limiting the activities that we were involved with.  It makes us want to come home and do NOTHING with all the people we love!!  I’m going to try to attach this sermon…I’m asking you from far away California…Mark even adds his plea…listen to this!  Not only is Randy entertaining and funny but he’s got one of the best points about life that I’ve ever felt to be true!  WE ARE TOO BUSY and it’s KILLING US!!  


I picked Keegan up from his class and he was very excited to give me a neat card he'd made during Sunday school to tell me that he loved me.  It was made out of love on a blue construction piece of paper.  He'd colored it and put stickers all over it.  It had a little note of the outside that read, "I love you because..." then obviously the teachers wrote in what each child wanted to say.  I read Keegan's and about fell over!  His read, "I love you because...YOU GIVE ME FOOD!  Love Keegan'  
THIS IS MY BOY!!  So involved with food that this is MY (the mother's) sole purpose in life to make sure I give him now I know...Keegan feels loved when he gets to eat...what a big job I have to make sure he eats good! ha!!  But what a funny card - one that I will keep forever!!  
"I love you because...YOU GIVE ME FOOD...Love Keegan!!"  
We took our Sunday afternoon to the same beach that we took Carlie and A too…except this time we were ready to get wet…suites and all…
We miss you and love you all…you are more important to us then you’ll probably ever know…thanks for living life with us, missing us, and being there ready when we DO finally get home!!

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