Wednesday, June 15, 2011

...SO...we went hiking!

Friday after the kids woke up and discovered that Nauna REALLY did leave things were rough to say the least...Mark and I even found ourselves struggling to find the Joy!  So...we did what any family would do when sadness hits...we claimed it a JAMMIE DAY...and watched movies and filled our bodies with healthy junk food!  That evening we took off for a play set to get out the aggression that needed a place to stay!
  Saturday we knew we needed something to do with our  wasn't a pretty day - foggy we decided it would be a great day to visit a place out here called Point Lobos.  This is a state park with trails along the coastline.  So we dressed accordingly...Keegan was forced to put on his jeans and a sweatshirt...he though refused to NOT wear his New 'Nauna' outfit!  Check him out:
We ended up walking a good 4+ miles.  Mark carried Grissom in the backpack the entire time.  We did leave for a bit to grab a good lunch at Subway, but the kids couldn't get enough and honestly I was glad cause there was NO other place I wanted to be but in the midst of God's Glory within his creation.  That will heal any heart that yearns for home!
We had NO complaints from the kids.  At one point though Keeg got upset that we hadn't gotten to see anything we stopped and asked God to show us something amazing!  Not long after we saw 2 fawns hanging out with mom right off our path...we saw tons of little bunnys...and another deer with her fawn a little later!!  Wonderful!!  Please enjoy - there are only some of our favorite pictures from this hike.  I am pleased to say no one came home with Poison Oak (which was EVERYWHERE) and we are planning more hiking AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

I love flowers!

I told Keegan this was where the bears used the bathroom...he wanted to 'Hang' out here until we saw one use it!! ha!!

These little guys were hiding...they blend SO well.

The bunny we prayed for!

Here's one of the fawns...

Here's was kind of scary how close she was!  She and I had a talk...she gave me this look and said, "OK...I see you are a mom of those strange 2 footed things...I'm a mom too...leave us be!"  I just looked at her and said, "You got it but not until after we get to watch you!"

Resting...a.k.a. potty break for Daddy!

this was me pulling Keegan out of the way...that wave came in just in time to try to get us wet!

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