Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We ate our lunch and were all ready to go.  Mark was checking the map preparing our route.  Because of the 2008 wildfires most off these trails were still closed.  We were sad BUT we want nature to heal...so we didn't cry'bout it!  We decided to do a long hike...wait, the kids decided!  So up the mountain we went...5 miles!  Enjoy our pictures!!
Grissom was so determined to eat his goldfish that he bit through the baggie to eat them...ha!


Redwoods R huge!

this was the safe bridge they made to cross the river...oh, thanks...I feel like I was just given the  pinkie cause I didn't deserve the best...ha!

A little rest on the way up



YES!! We made it!
Mommy did it TOO!
Love this picture.

Love these troopers.

Thank you Jesus for YOUR beauty.

Even when it's small!

We almost stepped on this little guy! Keeg cracked up cause when he took caution it looked as it he was doing push-ups! ha!!  It was pretty funny.

The kids kept seeing the trees that had fallen over and they'd laugh hysterically.  When asked what was up, Ella said, "Mom...they are ALL showing their bottoms!!" hahahaha!!So now we have a pic of this tree's bottom!

Watch out - Sasquach crossing!
We had a great hike..but it took ALL we had!  We ended up taking Daddy out for a nice dinner...we'd been in the car headed out for all of 3 minutes and this is what happened:

this picture shouldn't be rotated!  He passed out!
But dinner then a little ice cream helped give us just enough energy until bedtime!

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