Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting…Memorial Day Weekend

So, today was finally a beautiful and sunny day.  So after we got our week’s groceries we decided to head over to our favorite beach location…Ft.  Ord!! It was still pretty breezy so we used our new umbrella tent, made for the sand – it worked great!  Mark and I both sunbathe while the kids played on the dunes.  I read my handy-dandy Kindle while Mark took a much needed nap…wonderful!  I’m reading Crazy Love and REALLY enjoying it.  Chan writes as if he knew my thoughts…I’m very much enjoying this one. 
                      Grissom ate the cement with his face on our way back home for lunch today…poor guy…it looks terrible.  Keegan held his hand while I cleaned out all the little ricks and put medicine on it.  It was cute to watch Keegan being so caring towards Grissom.  I’ve got a picture of his little face!    Afterwards he ate the biggest lunch I think I’ve ever seen him eat!  2 hot dogs, ½ a pear, 3 huge strawberries, a go-yurt, an egg, and his milk…he was super hungry and I was totally glad to feed him!
                  We got cleaned up, Ella wanted to dress up so we put on dresses, did our hair and make-up and she added her card stock Princes crown that we’d made earlier this week to her head and we were off with the boys for a ‘family’ date night!  We went out to eat at the California Pizza Kitchen – LOVE it!!  Mark and I shared a BBQ Chicken salad with fresh avocado on it…yummy!  Then we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 super cute!  Mark bought special treats before at the store and we got popcorn to share!  Grissom again pigged out!!  The movie was great.  Keegan and Ella really enjoyed it; Grissom watched 90% of it and wooed the crowd around him by yelling cute things here and there at the movie like, Get’em Panda…Oh, yea!!...Where’s the baby??  Anyway…he was acting kind of strange very ‘in the mood’ to be crazy tornado! 
                         We got home threw the kids in bed and were getting ready for no kids time together and we hear Ella scream – “Help…Grissom is going to throw up!!  And it’s going to probably touch me!!”  I ran a grabbed him out of bed, he was almost acting as if he were having reflux (which would make complete sense after ALL he’d eaten today!) so we headed for the couch where I was just going to hold him sitting up for awhile.  We made it to right in front of the couch and he let loose all over the floor!!  Good thing we weren’t at home - wasn't MY carpet, ha!                                       Anyway needless to say we had a nice smelly mess on our hands.  Mark runs in with the bowl, I’m trying to hold my own cookies, Gris continues…in between his heavings he’s sticking that stupid pacifier in his mouth getting a suck here and there…but I wasn’t able to take it from him for fear of getting something slimy on myself! 
                                              Anyway, he looks up at me and says, “All done…my bed mom!”  It was too cute!  Once all was cleaned up I sang him to sleep in my arms!!  It was totally worth it!  So instead of a quiet night with Mark we ended up doing a little extra load of laundry!
                        Oh, I forgot...After the movie we ran into our neighbors downstairs.  They are nice so I don’t want to put them down they just smoke way too much of many things…1 of which we know to be not so legal…anyway, we talked to them a few minutes then later in the car Ella said, “Mom, they aren’t mean…they were nice.”  I said, “Of course they are nice.  Nice people can smoke.  Their smoking is just not fun when we have to live on top of their house…cause we have to smell it!”  Keegan then adds, “Why do they like smoking those candles…in their mouth?”  It was so funny Mark and I just laughed!  Ella corrects him of course, “Keeg…they aren’t real candles…they are called smoker sticks!”  We love our babies!!

                                Saturday was a day FULL of funness!!   We got up early and it didn’t take much time to get everyone ready.  Grissom acted as normal as could be so we blew it off.                                                     Funny cause some mornings Mark and I seem to be battling each other trying to get what needs to be done to get out the door and yet some mornings it’s like butter…we just work SO well together…this just happened to be one of those mornings.  We got in the car and drove a nice 45 minutes away to the city of Hollister, CA (this is where that brand of clothes comes from…it’s like Abercrombie & Fitch but not).  Anyway, we are turning into the airport and Keeg says, “Yes, the airport…Ella, look…we need to go see all those cute little planes!”  This was the reaction we wanted cause we weren’t sure how the Hollister Air Show was going to go over with the kids but it was a fun in the sun activity that wouldn’t break the bank for us!!  We took a picnic lunch, Mark set up our sun/wind tent and our blankets and my chair and we sat, ate, and watched the cool planes go straight up and then straight down looking like they were going to crash, etc.  Jumpers came from the clouds, and a helicopter carried then dropped a car!  The kids ‘wow’ed and ‘ahh’ed and we ate our kettle corn and LOVED IT!!                  When things started to get a little boring for the kids we went out and found their own little toys; Ella got a space shuttle (she says, it’s just a plane), Keegan got a bomber jet, and Grissom got a tank (it’s the only tank that flies!!).  This kept them busy and kept everyone around us entertained because our kids ran everywhere trying to keep up with the planes in the air!  It was funny. 
Oh...when Grissom was running after Ella on the way back to the apartment Friday and he totally tripped and ATE the concrete…literally I had to pick out little pieces (yes, I almost fainted…but I held strong cause I’m THE MOM!).  After we got him all cleaned up he sat down at our table to eat lunch and he said, “Peanut…Paw-Paw…” I turned to look at him quickly cause he hadn’t even acted as if he’d remembered Peanut…then he started crying!  I asked him if he missed home, and he just grabbed me to hold him!  Poor little guy!  Got his face scratched up and remembered he was missing home!!  Probably cause neither Grammy nor Nauna was close by to kiss his ouches!  Anyway, just as we were told, it got worse before it started looking better!
                          Saturday night we were all so tired we had dinner in our jammies and cuddled to a movie – one that I fell asleep to almost before it started.  I was feeling kind of strange…but I couldn’t put my finger on it and I wasn’t willing to say anything to anyone because after church we were planning on hitting the beach to play and watch a super cool surf competition!!  Not to mention our cook-out that we were planning for Monday…and then more beach fun!
                                                  Sunday came, I woke up just feeling tired, but the show MUST go on!  Church was great, the preacher talked about Mary vs. Martha in a different light not just the Martha = too busy and Mary = sitting at Jesus’ feet he threw in a twist about how they both LOVED Jesus in different ways and connected that how we love Jesus in different ways but none are wrong.  He referred back to when their brother, Lazarus died.  They sent word to Jesus that the one he loved was not well hoping He'd come and heal him.  Everyone knew that Jesus loved Lazarus and everyone assumed Jesus would come and heal him immediately.  Jesus waited until after Lazarus had been dead for 4 days and even been laid to rest.  When Jesus had finally returned to Mary and Martha it was Martha who took action (again) and went OUT to find/meet Jesus to see why he didn’t come earlier.  Mary asked the same thing she just waited until Jesus called for her to come.  Pastor Kevin’s point was everyone is different; just because Martha was a ‘get’er done’ girl doesn’t mean she didn’t loved Jesus less or didn’t follow him wrongly, and just because Mary sat back and waited doesn’t mean she was ‘better’ at loving Jesus then Martha.  I’ve always struggled with this story because I’m more like Martha…I don’t like to sit and wait, I want to be prepared and ready, but I LOVE Jesus with all my heart and I never mean to be too busy for Him.  But I’ve always taken away a warning not to be ALL Martha cause she’s not sitting at Jesus’ feet like Mary.  It was just nice to hear these two stories put together to describe how everyone is different and will love and follow Jesus in different ways and what works for you might now work for everyone else.  He gave a book reference:  Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas, one I plan to read.  It talks about the different ways we can meet with Jesus to build our relationship with Him – check it out!
                             Anyway, we came home and I was done…couldn’t play it thru…and it was a good thing we didn’t leave the apartment cause I would have been in big trouble…I had the pukes and everything else…no fever just an nasty emptying of my body.  So this means Grissom had something too…it wasn’t teething…this also means that Mark, Ella, and Keegan are all left…This bug took me out for the rest of Sunday and I was super weak on Monday.  The kids ate lunch and we were about to hang our kids by their toes.  I still felt terrible but my emptying had ceased and after trying a banana and keeping it down I knew I too needed to get out of the shoebox.  So the kids and dad came up with a plan.  I could hear the whole conversation from the bedroom; Mark said, “OK guys, we gotta get out of here and take Mom too.”  Ella said, “Let's take her to the beach!” Keegan added, “Let's sit her down and just play around her!”  So that was the plan.  On the way to the beach Ella’s naming things she wants to do; eat pizza out then get ice cream, etc. my response was, “Oh, Ella…that sounds yucky right now…member just cause mom’s out of bed doesn’t mean I am all better…mommy’s still sick, I’m just feeling good enough to get out.”  Dad then says, “Hey guys, God Answered our prayer from this morning, remember?”  Ella said, “Yea, we prayed that Mommy would be…” Keegan interrupts her and says, “…that Mommy would be NICE” (HA!!) “No, Keegan, that she’d be better!!”  Ella corrected.  He is SO funny – yet its true mommy doeses have her not so nice moments, but the strange thing was that I hadn’t even been near them for 24 hours.                                 They got me to the beach, Mark put up our tent to block the wind, and I laid in the sun and felt better by the end.  We got PF Changs to go (hmmm…I got rice! Yea!) Then we sat on towels on the family room floor and had our ‘cook-IN.’
Tuesday morning I woke up still feeling a little uneasy, but much better.  I was able to get my hair done too!  Boy, oh, boy it’s pricey to get your roots done here!  But at least it looks good – very blond!  When I got home it was time to try-out the REAL cook-out…Mark took the Brats and dogs, the corn, and the new potato foil pouch to the grill while I made macNcheese and brownies…we all came together and had a great time!  We did have to eat IN the apartment cause the fog rolled in and made lunch hour rather windy and cold – but we had sun before and after which was nice!  I got to eat a little!!  Ella and I took off to get an air mattress and some sheets for our visitors!!  Nauna will be here by tomorrow (Wed.) evening and we are SO excited!
I finished this day cleaning like crazy…this place is in tip-top shape clean from top to bottom!!  Now I'm off to bed dreaming of fun times with my mom!! NIGHT!
I'll add pictures tomorrow!

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