Thursday, September 8, 2011

Can You say HOLY LAUNDRY!!

One this I will NOT miss or even think twice about once we are back home: doing the laundry here!!
Not only had we waited to 2 weeks…which I decided was a good thing cause we were able to use the entire stock of clothing that we brought…down to the last undies…but we were able to take ALL 8 of the washing machines at once…so my laundry time only took 2.5 hours (and that involves folding it all too) to complete 8 large loads of clothes, etc.  The only things that missed this cleaning were the comforters and pillows…other than that…wow…what a day!  So if I continue this new trend of every OTHER week laundry I’ll only have about 3 more huge laundry days…now each load takes $1.50 to wash and $1.00 to dry…so YOU do the math…I think we could have paid for a new washer by this point…and the kids have really done great with wearing and RE-wearing their clothes…so great that I think some of their items will have to see the trash before they get to move on…poor things!  The only thing I MIGHT think twice about is the HUGE folding table that we fill every time we do laundry!!
And IF you look close enough you'll see Keeg's head JUST above the tree.  Yes...this is just one of the things that my kids do to try to stay busy while waiting for the laundry to be done!!
My monkeys!! 

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