Friday, September 16, 2011

Don't laugh @ my butt!!

    our 'BIG' ultrasound is Sept 26th...the WHOLE family is counting down and are all expecting to go and watch baby show off his or her parts!  The kids are thinking short and fun...I'm thinking crazy, loud, and too much!  So the plan is to take along their game thingys and Grissom will be in his stroller to help them stay busy after 30 seconds of attention then getting super bored and wanting to leave!  I mentioned letting our neighbor watch them but they quickly turned that down cause they HAVE to be there...SO please pray that this baby cooperates and 'shows off' its parts!

                                    I'm totally telling on myself, but it's SO funny. 
                  Many of you who have experienced carrying your own babies within your womb can understand that you have moments where if you don't pass some gas it gets SO painfully stuck in your belly that you can't hardly breath. 

SO...knowing this I have been excused from our family rule of tutting on purpose and just to clear things up I always say excuse me! (We had to create this rule so we could have fresh air here and there...the boys in this family think this is the 'funnest' thing EVER to force your body to do this). 
                            Anyhow, we were hanging out on the couch the T.V. wasn't even on.  We were just talking and reminiscing about being in California and things we will miss.  We had the window behind us open to let cooler air into the apartment...PAUSE

           Let me set this up better: when the window is open this also means that we receive gifts of many smells...we have a ton of Latino families living here so we get a LOT of their food smells and having nothing against them personally I must say I do NOT like any of them (the smells) they make you want to gag...sorry...we also get incense smells, cigarette smells, Gain Laundry soap smells (which makes me sick too), and not to mention the marijuana smells)...

                        Ok, back to the story...we were hanging out on the couch talking and some of those smells came in through the window...the smells were NOT good and the FIRST thing out of Keegan's mouth is this: "Oh, Mom!!!!  You need to go check your panties you might have pooped with that one!" 
He assumed that I released some gas...but I didn't!  But the way he said it...the way his whole face scrunch up out of was SOOOO funny.  Mark and I both about wet our pants laughing at him!

I've also been getting sweet comments from Keegan and Ella.
Things like;
" can't fit through here but I can"..."Sorry mom, but your gut is HUGE!"..."Mom...your belly hit me in the head!"..." can't sit on the floor, you'll never be able to get up!"...or "Mom...don't get on the play might break it!"
I'm ONLY telling you this because it's SO funny!!
                  I've also been asked what I think about what we are having.  I've told most people that my kids ALL are 150% sure God is giving us a GIRL...BUT I just can't make that confident of a judgement without I'm doing something TOTALLY crazy (mostly with mom in mind) but I'm attaching some belly and behind  (yes...butt pics...fully clothed...Mom has a way of seeing every angle and making a 'right on' guess!) pictures so YOU all can look and guess what  you think we are having...I wanna know your thoughts just for fun! 

So shoot me a text, fb me, or e-mail me but what's your thoughts: BOY or GIRL
and MAYBE I'll tell you after we get our ultrasound done!! ha!!
the SIDE...
 the FRONT...kinda wide, I know...
 the's HUGE...I can see it too...NO LAUGHING or I'll sit on you!
 this is just the picture Keegan took...both the kids LOVE taking pictures with our camera! Friday I'm 19 weeks...I think I'm finally looking close to the size I should be...but I AM very aware that my tush has gotten WIDER...that still doesn't give ANY of you the right to make loud beeping sounds as I walk Mark did...ONCE!

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