Monday, September 12, 2011

It's not just MY family that makes me laugh!!

  So our weekend was super non-eventful...which you could say was much needed!  Mark, poor hubby, worked Friday AND Saturday (during the day) which gave us Saturday night and Sunday to play.  Too bad Mark was SO wiped out that we ended up with Panda Express and a Movie!  So original!
   Sunday we sat thru yet another sermon that worked Mark to the core...another very informative and encouraging one.  They are doing a funny spoof on Myth Busters...the show where they take a myth and try it out to see if it's true of 'Just a Myth!'  The sermon series that they just started is called Myth'Blasters' and they are taking certain 'myths' from the Bible and proving them right with scripture references.   During this sermon having a Christian household was talked about and what they means to create one.  He reiterated the importance of having our children obey the parents, having the wife who submits to her husband, and how the husband should love his wife as Christ loved the church.  But he took it a step farther and elaborated on the importance of a father's role in family in our world today.  I think it talked to both of us and our whole 'battle'  situation.  We need to work on our own attitudes before we can model the right attitudes for our children, etc.  So we are going to work harder on attitudes as a family!!  Yeah!!  Everyone's favorite thing to work on!!  I'm sure when Carlie reads this she will be smiling...she was the one in our family who kept our attitudes where they needed to be...she'd ALWAYS pray for our family and our attitudes at ever meal!  Thanks Car!

Something RANDOM but SUPER FUNNY!!
  So this is Keegan's first year in school, Kindergarten.  Aiden, my nephew (Carlie's oldest son) also started Kindergarten this year.  The difference, Keegan learns from home and I'm his teacher...Aiden rides the bus and has a big classroom with other kids.  I HAVE to share with you what took place a few weeks ago with Aiden at his school.  I don't share this to chastise AT all...I share this ONLY to prove this point:  Our family is not the only hilarious family around!!  So Aiden comes home from school one day and to my knowledge he had received a red card (or something that told Carlie he'd gotten in trouble that day)  I also was told that the teacher felt it was 'bad enough' that she had to call Carlie and talk to her about it! 
                                                        This must have been super serious. 
But see IF you know Aiden then you should have a wide open mouth from pure shock right now.  Aiden is your typical first child, well behaved and somewhat of a perfectionist...NOT a trouble maker! 

So you wanna know what he did?
Yea, I did too...the teacher went on to tell Carlie that Aiden got in trouble because he kissed a girl.  Now let me keep moving a long...kissing the girl wasn't the true reason for disciple...the thing that was troubling is that he kissed her then lied about it.  When the teacher asked him if he kissed her he said something like, "Yea, but I had something in my eye and thought she was my sister!!"  Now THAT'S the funniest thing I've EVER heard!! 
                          Aiden DOES have a sister...but unless this girl was only 2 feet talk with short brown hair and also who happened to go to school WITH Aiden JUST that day then it's obvious that the possibility of A's reasoning is non existent!  Isn't it cute how little people think up stuff withouth thinking?!?   

                               He had something in his he thought she was is sister??????
And I thought MY kids were great at stories!!  So needless to say Aiden didn't really get in trouble for literally kissing this little girl...he really got in trouble for lying about it.  He did a good job with sticking to his story for a little while, but just like all parents hopes, the guilt got to him and he FINALLY admitted to Carlie and Shane that he knew it wasn't REALLY his sister (otherwise he needed to visit the eye doctor!!).  he told them that he didn't want to marry her or anything serious like that BUT he did want her to be his girlfriend!! 
You gotta know and love Aiden to completely fall apart to this...but this IS super funny!!  What a cutie pie!

I had something in my eye and thought it was my SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Once again...I LOVE my family!!

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