Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just us...

Ella just being a girl...make-up and nails...that's my girlie girl!!
Dear God, Help her to KNOW that she is beautiful because YOU made her that way...not because she's got the right stuff!  AMEN!
 So...he's bored!!
 Ella took the camera...this is daddy's famous look...you know that look that says...duh??
 Thank you Ella...here's mommy budgeting away...
 Ella's on her way to becoming a professional photographer!!
 And the camera LOVE this one!
 TOO BAD this is our biggest problem...I NEED my fridge at home...he can't just open it whenever!
Little Stinker!
 "You don't need NO stinking Ga-Ga!!" so he grabs 2!!

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