Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Daddy didN'T have to work Friday!!

I woke up this morning to some noises in the bathroom that didn’t seem right…I kept hearing water running then stop then run the stop and this went on for awhile.  I finally realized that waiting for Mark to hear this and check it out wasn’t going to happen (EVEN though I seriously prayed to God that HE would get up!)  So I got up and to my surprise Keegan was the only one in the bathroom everyone else was still sleeping (thank goodness cause it was 6 a.m…and once again THIS mom doesn’t do 6a.m. NOR will my children!) I watched him as he worked so focused.  He didn’t see me and I love watching my kids this way.  He had 2 sheets of dinosaur tattoos…one page he was cutting up and places in specific places upon his arms then he must have gotten tired cause next he grabbed the entire rectangle sheet and laid them across his belly and sticks’em on!  I think he heard me chuckling cause he turned my way and saw me, smiled and said, “Hey mom, Morning…I’m tat’n up for this day baby!”  Later that morning Ella had to share a few of her princess tattoos with Grissom cause Gris wanted to be JUST LIKE HIS Bubby!!  So Grissom ended up with 2 princess tattoos…how manly!

So Mark didn’t end up working Friday, YEA!!!  So we headed to the mall in Santa Cruz (about 45 minutes north) to Sears and the Sprint store there to get the Bug’s oil changed and Mark’s phone fixed (too much dust in the phone!) We had a fun time.  We were able to get the oil changed at the same time we were dealing with Mark’s phone.  Both seemed to take forever and there was a fountain with benches in the center of this small mall.  So this is where the kids and I hung out they had a ball running in circles around this thing!  I took this picture below because I found it appropriate.  Ella sat next to me and as we watched the fountain she said, “Mom…even the water worships God.” I asked her how’s that? She answered, “Look at the middle fountain, it’s bigger than the rest…so it’s like God and the others who are smaller are like us or even the angels in heaven…and they are bowing to Him and His glory!”  Through the eyes of a child I sat there and looked at this fountain in a different way!
                On our way home we HAD to stop for wings…it’s NOW becoming a BIG thing…I LOVE WINGS!!  Poor Mark…he just HATES that I desire them so!  We got our dinner to go and when we got home we had a family movie night!  Transformers is a much better movie when you are eating wings then cuddling with your babies!!
Side Note:  While we were in the Sprint store a man with an arm (a.k.a. sleeve) of ‘tats’ walked in.  Grissom went crazy with excitement until I noticed this man.  I asked Grissom if he liked that man’s tattoos and he said he did…next thing you know my baby is comparing his arms to this man’s arm…it was SO funny.  Grissom was too afraid to go up to him, but wanted SO badly to touch his drawings!  This was also one of those moments in time that I was glad that Grissom was too young to be embarrassed by having the princesses up and down his arms!!
OK…so after dinner we sat down as a family like we do every Friday and read about the week of pregnancy we are in.  This Friday brings us up to 17 weeks.  I was reading and I read the phrase: hunger PANGS...Hunger pangs??  WHAT?  I’ve NEVER heard this phrase…oh, no…they are hunger PAINS…it’s always been pains…right…Mark and I had a nice discussion about this as well…I guess his household was full of knowledge around every corn while mind was…well…not…whatever!  I’m still saying PAINS!  Hunger gives your stomach pains so you eat…to satisfy these pains…makes complete sense!  I’m sure I wasn’t correct in this one I’m well known for not hearing things correctly or mixing words up and creating new ones, but ahhhhh!  This is just silly!!

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