Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 2...our first FULL driving Day - Thursday!

So…FULL day 1 of driving, which is Thursday we got a great start…to breakfast!  This is the quote Mark read to me at breakfast.  THE ONLY REASON IT WAS ON THE WALL OF THIS HOTEL RESTUARNT WAS FOR ME!!  We ate a nice breakfast and even got 2 kids eating free!!  Then I took Grissom out to the van and noticed that one of our tired was VERY flat!  We had enough air to get us to the gas station across the street and there is where we hung out while daddy investigated our situation…let's just say if it hadn’t been for that wall quote I’d be losing it!  So I did the best thing I could, made friends with the guy next to us…he happened to be waiting for his wife! He told us all about ½ moon bay in Cali and the falling cows (he said that the cows get on the steep hills without knowing how steep they are and end up just falling) ha! How sad! But Mark has placed that on his list of things to see!
Here Keegan earned another point.  He’d opened a toy (bendy sticks) and there happened to be a small piece of foam in this box…NOT COOL! He was completely covered in foam and we hadn’t gone anywhere!  Finally about 2 hours later we are on our way!  Late start, but at least we got a start! 
We were trying to make it to Kansas City KA to stop for lunch…Keegan won his next point on the way…he says, “Mom, I’m so hungry…I might throw up! I’m serious mom!” (Yes, I was talking in MY Keegan/low voice!) So I gave him a bag and said puke in this…he sat forward and starting making himself burp over and over again, paused and said,  ‘see mom…it’s almost out!” Mark and I cracked up…and yes…we made it to Kansas City, Kansas to eat lunch! Oh, did I mention that he’d also found the snack sized zip lock baggie box behind his seat, opened it and had a blast throwing every one of these ill bags (120 to be exact) around the van??  Point for Keg!
We were making way and all was great, the kids really are traveling wonderfully! Until they get hungry! Grissom was kind of fussing, and I quickly realized it was because of the need for dinner.  I asked him if he wanted Wendy’s and he SCREAMED at the top of his little lungs, WEN-IES!!!!!!  Oh….FRAUSTY!!!!!!  MEEE!!!!!! So we stopped at Wendy’s and had danced all around the restaurants and everyone got a kick out of him!  Grissom was awarded several points!
After dinner we are trying to get set for the kids to watch a movie and then fall asleep…everything really was going very smoothly!  Until out of nowhere Keegan says, “Mommy? You got any of my undies up there?” My answer was of course, “Uh, no…buddy…why?” He answers in a nice melancholy way, “Oh, I need some I just pooped my pants!” “Are you kidding me!!?  Check your pants please!” Ella was kind enough to help…I’m closing my eyes waiting for the news that will add yet another nice stop.  We hear, “Great!  No mom, it was just a tootie!” Another point!
We ended this day with a great reward for our whole family!  We stopped and hung out with the Steven’s family!!  Thanks SO much Stephanie and Andrew – we crashed their pad around 9:30 in the P.M. and partied until…late!  Kids left there ready to run a marathon thanks to AWESOME Mrs. Stephanie (compliments of cookies to go!)  Grissom fell asleep in the van eating one!  It really was SO nice to spend some time catching up with great friends!! We can’t wait to hang out on our way home!
I didn’t get to do much driving today, but that’s alright…I’ve been pretty busy entertaining the kids and like I said before our kids have done SOOOOOOO great so far…I’m a little nervous…things can’t continue this nice…or can they??  To be continued…

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