Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday and still no Cali yet...

Hey friends and family - I wasn't able to post these when I wrote them - lack of Internet...but these next few posts are still from our trip out here - just thought I'd fill in the 'Future' gap before I start into the present!!

YAY It’s Friday!!  Yet still another long drive for today!  At least our tires all looked great after breakfast!  We started things off right; I drove and had my Vanti Carmel Frapochinno(?)!! AN’other point for Mommy! Yeah baby! We cruised at top speed or as top a speed you can get to going thru the mountains! I can tell you honestly with all my heart that I NEVER fully understood God’s glory and creation until this stretch of the drive!  This was breathtaking for Mark and I…and entertaining for the kids!  Who can look at this land and claim there is no God? They are lying to themselves! 
As we headed into the famous Eisenhower Tunnel the kids were amazed at how they made it, Ella asked “did they just push through it with a dozer dad?”  Then out of nowhere Keeg starts yelling into his fist, “Hey You….hey you…hey you!”  It didn’t take long to realize that he was trying to echo in the tunnel! Ha!!  He was SO serious!
We had a blast and were ready to stop in Vail, CO for a little lunch.  We drove back into one of the villages and gave the kids a tiny pile of snow to eat while we found food for lunch.  Keeg grabs it totally excited and says, “I didn’t think ‘bout it, but we’d shoulda bringed our mittens!” HA!  We found Taco Bell and ate outside in the sunshine and snow!  GORGEOUS!
                After lunch is when our next problem/set-back occurred.  Mark noticed our hitch was almost touching the ground…he checked and sure enough it was bent and one of his welds broke (it was still bolted on).  It was low enough that if we ignored it we would have surely lost the trailer!  So we hung out in the parking lot at Home Depot while daddy worked extremely diligently at fixing this…thank goodness he grab a few tools and we had the jack from my van (which help bend it back up) a 3 hour break…and we were back in business…I was still driving! As soon as we were back on the road Keegan says, “Alright Mountains…HERE I COME! Mommy, Daddy, I'm gonna be a super hero that flies to the tops of the mountains and gets people down!" My hero!!
                Keegan earned another point – he’s got an arm on him…he hit the front windshield with perfect aim at least 7 times with different objects…crayons, balls, a marker, and even a pillow pet or two! But I got a point cause while I was driving I took the crayons and tossed’em back and knocked Keeg right in the middle of his forehead! Ha!!  GO MOM!  
This part of the trip just went great!  Loved all the mountain views! Sang like a mom determined to sing louder than her kids in the back!!  JAM SESSION!
That afternoon Mark got a call from Mike, his boss who’s also headed out to Cali…he was about 3-4 hours ahead of us.  He’s also pulling a trailer (with all Mark’s stuff and our bikes in it, as well as the tools and such needed for the job).  He informed Mark that his diesel truck’s turbo exploded going thru the mountains and the dealer that he happened upon couldn’t get it fixed until Wednesday! What?!?
He was ok, thank goodness, but now we faced the issue of where and how to get Mark’s stuff and where to fit it! 
We found the trailer at about 11 p.m. Mark SHOVED his luggage into the van (it was touching the inside roof of the van) but our new struggle was Grissom, he was done!  He was ready to go to bed…a real bed and stretch out for the night…so we decided to call Cedar City home for the night!  We stayed at the Crystal Inn…but I had a hard time for some reason and I kept saying that we were staying at the Crystal Meth…hmmmmm I’ve never been good with words! Ha!! 
At least everyone got thru this day safe!!  And we were only about 45 minutes away from our intended goal of St. George!  There’s always tomorrow!!

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