Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just follow my ‘Nab-a-gation!’

The kids and I decided to take a walk after daddy left for work last Thursday.  We wanted to explore this area and take a path down to the pool area/mail area.  So instead of going down our stairs and turning left towards our van, we turned right towards the play set and laundry room.  When we reached the end of our building we were in new territory.  Ella pipes right up and says, “Let me see here…ah, yes, according to MY nabagation, mom, we need to listen to it, she’ll tell us where to go!”  So we waited.  Ella says, “Dag-gone-it!  This is taking forever…hold on, she’ll start up soon.  You needed to give me more time to get her started mom!” ha!!  Sounds JUST like mommy when daddy says look something up on my phone’s navigation!  Then we finally hear Ella in a funny old woman voice, “Turn left…right now onto ‘Laundry Room Road,’ “OK guys, this is the right way let’s try it out!”  I’m about to pop with laughter!  This sidewalk we are turning onto does lead us to the laundry room just the back way.  We pass the laundry room and I hear Ella almost whispering, “Yeah, this is right…there’s the laundry room.  This Nab-a-gation is GREAT!” ha!!  “Up ahead turn right onto ‘Path to the Pool Road.’ Turn right now, turn quick!” Ella is totally serious saying this in a very funny old lady voice.  We are headed down the path and realize that we have to now walk around the pool and the tennis court just to get to where we are going.  Navigation totally piped in and basically repeated everything I just had said…I think even she was annoyed!  But the funny part was when we got close to the ‘Mail Wall’ (this is what the kids call the mail area cause all the boxes are on 1 wall outside the office/main building).  We hear Ella again, “Up head turn left…you destination is on your left…your destination is on your left…you destination…’Man…she must be stuck!’”  HAHAHAHAHA!!
Even Ella finally made herself laugh!!  Thanks to her “Nab-a-gation” we were able to find our mail AND get back home!!

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