Friday, April 8, 2011

Will we EVER make it to California??

I’m starting to doubt whether or not California is a real place! 
The ‘discussion’ of this day is: Do we cram the rest of the driving into this day (which will make for a HUGE day in this stinky van) or drive for most of this day and end at our destination sometime Sunday…hmmmmm…I think we should let the kids decide! 
Meanwhile we are almost to St. George, Utah…where we have some more friends to meet up with.  This will be a most needed little coffee break/relax time!  No one ever told me that Utah was full of beauty…I’m very temped to claim it more so than Colorado!  I feel so…small when looking up at these ginormous mountains…how insignificant am I in comparison to these rocks…and how much MORE God loves little’ol me! How humbling and yet how comforting that fact is.
St. George Starbucks was AMAZING…or could that be the Carmel Frapocchino (?) that I had…hmmm!  A HUGE THANKS to my MOPS Mama’s!!  I LOVE YOU!!  We had a great short visit with the Bradley’s – thanks for letting our kiddos “Hang” on you!  We ended up walking across the street to hit the Old Navy up for a few more clothing items…or else we’d all be nudie by Sunday! 
We got into Las Vegas by lunch time…and of course we HAD to stop there to eat!  So we stopped at Bass Pro for a little food and fun for us all! Oh, the boys thought this place was absolutely rock’n!  Keegan loved ALL the stuffed animals…and decided he was ready to kill something soon! After lunch we thought it’d be a good time to hit one of the best playground parks that Vegas has – again the kids RAN and had a ball!!  After about 30 minutes everyone was totally worn out and dehydrated! Crazy how fast that dessert gets you! 
Ok…one last stop for gas right close to the California state line…we only paid $4.15 per gallon for gas! Holy Messed up! 
But no matter…what a party when we crossed the state line into California!  Except we had tears and total confusion from the kids.  Ella wanted to know where the beach was like in the movie Marmaduke!?!  Keegan wanted to know why he couldn’t get out and play yet!?!  We had to explain and show pictures again of how large this state was and that we will have awhile to go…we watched Marmaduke – AGAIN!
By the time we stopped for dinner we still have a good 6 hrs to drive…I wanted to stop for the night, but Mark wanted to keep on treking! 
So…we did!
This time Grissom didn’t want to get back into the seat.  We are starting to lose it here!  SO I did what I knew best…I started singing, Mark loved it most! “On the road again….I’m SO tired of be’n on this road again…going place that we’ve never been before…I’m done with being on this road again…” Soon the kids joined in and we had a sing along! Then for the next hour we kept each other preoccupied making up songs about how sick and tired of driving we all were!
Once the Sun when to bed it wasn’t long after that Grissom and Ella followed suite, Keegan said from the back, “Well guys…I guess it’s just Mom, Dad, and me left…now what do we do?” “Keep on driving” we all laughed!  He joined the sleeping crew about 5 minutes later! Ha! 
Mark drove on and on…I woke up here and there to check on him, ha! We arrived in Monterey, California at 2 a.m. their time…I’d NEVER been so happy to be where we were supposed to be – the Holiday Inn Express was my best friend!

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