Friday, April 22, 2011

Poor Seagull and a haircut too.

So…we are in the car on the way to Keegan’s gymnastics.  He’s super excited because Jaxson was going to be there (hopefully) and DADDY woke up a little early to go watch him.  He had his new shirt on from the gym and was all ready to go!  We are driving and Mark and I are talking when Ella screams, “Ahhh, poor guy!  Mommy, did you see that seagull?  He just bumped into the wall of that building.” I asked, “What? Seriously…what wall did the bird ‘bump’ into?”  Then Keegan throws out his version.  “No, Ella…he didn’t bump into that building, Mom…he, the sea eagle, smashed into that building and it bashed his head and, ya…he’s dead!”  Keegan then went into a second telling of this same incidence but only used sound effects!  How morbid!
I LOVE my family!!
‘Yes, Jaxson did come and Keegan had another great time at gymnastics!!  Coach Rachel is the best coach ever cause we ALL (even Ella, and Keegan) took a nap after daddy went to work!
After class we decided to get Grissom a haircut.  We were tired of people telling us ‘SHE’ was SO cute!!  But again, I just wanted a trim…a TRIM!!  We went to the salon and the 1 lady there was very nice but quiet.  Not sure where she was from but my guess would be Korea.  She did speak English, or at least enough to get us started.  I told her I was just looking to get it trimmed, and she responded, “Yes, but why you want to cut HER beautiful curls??”  I just smiled and said, “Because this is my baby SON.  I love his curls and just want him to have a good trim keeping his curls, just so he looks more boy.”  She nodded and smiled and simply said, “Yes, we can do that.”  So I stood by and helped when I could.  And about half way into it I realized that this lady was cutting off WAY too much, so I said, “Wow, You are cutting all his curls out, are you sure you aren’t cutting too much off?”  And she smiles and says, “Yes, That’s OK, we do good.”  SO I just watched in horror as each little curl fell onto his plastic cover.  No I didn’t cry but I sure came close.  It’s a good thing this boy is just too cute to let a little haircut bring him down!!  And at least he’s still got some curl left!  But I think that’s the last time we try to go somewhere other than Cookie-Cutters!!  Avon’s going to be a LONG commute just for a haircut…sorry my mom’s Grissom may come home with a ponytail! Ha!
We ended our evening by coloring Easter Eggs.  I love coloring eggs!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, that's a shame about Keegan's hair cut (and the poor gull), but as you said, Keegan's handsome no matter what his hair looks like. (I'll bet his hair looks cute, just a little on the short side...) I was just on here to wish you all a Happy Easter and catch up on reading about your adventures in sunny Cali. I hope you are all enjoying your Easter Sunday. You are in our thoughts and prayers. BTW, we loved the picture the kids made for us in honor of Easter. So cute! It's hanging on our fridge. :) Love to you all!!! XOXOXOXO
