Friday, April 8, 2011

Move In day…I’m NOT going to live!

This day has been the worst day ever!  I’d rather be at the beach!  This is when I need to call Maria and see if she’d be good with taking Ella and Keegan for the afternoon so I could get stuff done! 
The day started off ok, we left the hotel and were ready to move in and find clean clothes! Our apt is in the most shaded place possible and not and easy walk from the car…thank goodness we weren’t moving furniture.  I warned Mark ahead of time – judgements will come at first cause I’m quick with the assessments…and NOT to take anything personal…so around this building we went…up these cement yet wobble steps onto a wood deck covered in what seemed like mold…hmmmmm. “Shut-up Stace!” was the only thing that kept creeping to mind…as we walked in I about lost it…small…VERY small, and old, super old…but not dirty, not scary…ok…sit down and pray for strength and a muzzle.  Mark’s got to be feeling the same way.  It took us about 1 hour to get stuff into the apartment and about 30 seconds for the kids to have unloaded EVERYTHING all over what was left of the floor!  Mark gives me a kiss and says, I’ll be home late…love you, bye.
So…about 3 hours later (cause I had to stop every 5 minutes to get Grissom out of another mess...or Keegan...or Ella was just trying to help in her own way! AHHHHH!). I’ve put away all the things I had for the kitchen (most of the things were still in Mike’s trailer in Utah until Wednesday –Thursday! The kids are crying for food, I was getting hungry, we are all tired, Mark’s gone and I have no car and no food…again I prayed, Father Please provide for us. 
                             Not seconds later Ella yells from the back room, Mom there’s still a box you haven’t unpacked yet!  So I opened it…and found 1 table cloth, chopsticks, kitchen towels, a 2-qt glass casserole dish with lid, and a box of Romane Noodles!!  Thank you Jesus…so me and the kids ate Romane Noodles and left over apples that we had for the trip out for lunch…eating with chopsticks just made it a “funnest ever” kind of lunch! 
Me and all the kids laid down together and cuddled in my bed until we were all sound asleep!  Mark was home early enough to give the kids bathes and take us out to a nice dinner.  We ate at Chilis and got to watch the Dawgs…the first ½ was good…then when things started not to look so great we decided to call it quits cause the kids were getting bored! We ran to Target to get a few things of need and then headed home.
When we got home we walked thru what would soon be a family room for us (there was only a path from the destruction that was done earlier via the kids…mostly Grissom!  Again the overwhelming feeling came rushing back.  Daddy and the kids did their best to ‘clean-up’ or what I call pile up stuff so we could sit and have some family time before getting ready for bed!  At least I can say that I lived thru this day…but tomorrow has got to be better or I’m walking home!

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