Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Just another: Race to eat a picnic!

So Yesterday was our first official Monday without daddy and with the van!  So what shall we do first? We conquered school pretty easily and decided to pack our lunch and hit a park somewhere! Keegan was a little worried because he didn’t want it to hurt (when we ‘HIT’ the park!)
As I type out the phrase, pack our lunch I envision the perfect mother having a glorious time in the kitchen making sandwiches, gathering snacks, packing the fruit.  Everything fitting so nice and wonderfully…what? Then I look around to see complete chaos…there’s bread crumbs everywhere the peanut butter is not spreading in that wonderful manor like it does on TV…I can’t fit anything in the bag right and there’s no room for the drinks…oh yea, I need to refill the drinks, grab the napkins, oops forgot the fruit…how about some crackers…I find myself rushing as if I’m in a race.  But see, I am…a race for time…because if I don’t hurry I’ll miss that window – you know and totally understand if you are a mom – that window of time before the kids ALL fall apart because you’ve starved them ½ their life and you never feed them soon following right after is the meltdown!  Meanwhile I’d crammed everything into my lunch tote…and we were on our way…well…sort of!
   Ok…let me give a little information before I continue.  We live on the top floor (the 2nd floor) so we have a small landing at the top of these fabulously safe cement stairs…IF I’m not holding Grissom I just know he’s going to walked down on his face, so when I leave I need to be sure I’m holding some solid part of his body, I need to lock the door, go down these stairs (usually with my hands SO full it takes forever), turn to my left and walk all the way around the building to the parking lot…then about ½ way down the parking lot is our space with the van in it…this I have already learned is a pain to hate!
Ok…back to my sort of…we got all the way down to the van, I’m loading Grissom into his seat, and I hear it…trying not to explode with “Let’s JUST go!!”  Keegan yells from the sidewalk, “I HAVE TO POOP!!”  So what did we do? Unloaded and went back up to the apartment…20 minutes later we tried a 2nd time to leave this time was sucessful! Yeah!  But meltdown is starting to occur with thing 3 (Grissom).
I decided it’d be smart to hit a very close park, but have heard total rejection when it came out…so I remembered a lady told me about a park in the military housing neighborhood down our hill…it was only about a 3-4 minute drive…and they were thrilled!  We sat on my 31-picnic blanket and ate out of my super cute lunch tote.  Well, I ate, they crammed out of anticipation for that fun park!
We played here for a good 3 hours.  And while they were playing I met 2 different moms with boys that Keegan and Ella were having fun playing with!  Ms. Kris was a mother of 3 ½ yr. old twins and she goes to Shoreline Christian Church!  Her hubby is done with his army schooling at the end of this year and will be headed back to Virgina.  So she knew a ton about the area!!  Jackie, who was mom to 4 yr. old Jaxson, had just come here in March, her hubby had joined the military because he cjust had no choice, they just coudln't find work (I understood that one!) she was still getting to know the area.  They had asked me if we were military and when I said no...but when I explained that Mark was working on the base they totally took me in as one of their own (ha!). 
Jackie and I are putting Keegan and Jaxson into gymnastics together!  They are going to be good buddies I think!  She lived right across from the park.  Anyway, I had a great time getting to know these two moms and we plan on doing this again next week!
Mark came home early…but still late.  I was confused as well as scared to death at him coming to the door when he did!  He said that they (the guys who came to work) might have found espesdo (?) and now they have to run tests tomorrow (today) to see.  If it’s positive it may drag this job WAY too long!  Pray that it’s negative!
Later tater!

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