Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mark's First LATE-Night!

So last night Mark ‘prepared’ for his first night of work by staying up until 3 a.m. (it was real hard from him he HAD to play video games the whole time, poor guy! 
But that meant this morning was also our first “get up and live in this shoebox while daddy is still sleeping” day!  AND drum-roll please…we did it!!  Yeah!  Mark was able to sleep until about 11 cause we were SO quiet…he might say we had our moments but even he had to admit we did a great job!  I LOVE cable (but still won’t be adding it when we get home) it did a great job at keeping the kids off each other while I fixed a nice breakfast.   Then we had school while Grissom played real good in the kids’ closet!   His newest fascination is putting blocks into a small basket, pick it up, then throw them back into the block box, and repeat!  Wow, I’m seriously surprised that kept him busy for a long hour!  NO LIE!!  Next on my list, keep buying this kid new blocks! Ha!
When Daddy got up, Ella and I took off (AS FAST AS WE COULD) for the grocery!  It’s nice to be cried over when I leave.  I know, it sounds mean, but daddy always gets the tears and I always get, ‘it’s just mom!”  So when Gris came running after me with tears, I had to get on my knees and prolong the moment just a bit…wink!
Then this afternoon, I got to take JUST Ella (hmmm….I know I can get used to this) to her new gymnastics class!  Keegan was suppose to go with a friend yesterday, but that class was full so he goes tomorrow…which shall be a story cause he’s told me that he’s been SO good at this his whole life! Ha.  Ella had a ball.  We met the owner, Mr. Hiroshi.  He’s a very nice man.  We also learned the sad news that he is fighting colon cancer.   So we will be adding him to our prayer list!  You can tell that he LOVES kids and teaching them the art of gymnastics, he was very impressed with Ella.  El was a little apprehensive for like 2 seconds because her teacher is a boy…an African American ‘cute’ boy!  Oh great…she’s talking about boys being cute!!  Good thing we left those Koester Boys back home! Ha!!
Mark took off for work at about 3 p.m. this afternoon…so I think we’ll hit the beach before dinner!!
Missing you all!

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