Friday, April 8, 2011

This is from today (or yesterday for most of you!) We've been gone a whole week!!

So today is Friday, April 8th!!  I’ve made it thru our first week!!  Yeah! We’ve had an eventful week…so yes, things got loads better!  We did our first 4 loads of laundry.  It’s on sight and only cost $8.00 for those loads…hmmmmmm which means that we will be RE-wearing ALL clothes at least 2-3 times before claiming them dirty!  The kids now have PRE-bedtime inspections to go thru as to what gets worn the next day and what can hit the hamper! Ha!!  Mark too!! 
We have this super old wooden play set right outside our apartment and right next to the laundry room.  The kids have played there multiple times already…Ella is so far the only one without splinters!  Grissom got one in his finger (it was an easy one to pull out – Dana…you’d been proud)…Keegan on the other hand is ½ Pinocchio now with all the wood that’s been injected into his skin!  Dad has to do surgery on him every night! Boys!  But I AM meeting mom after mom with kids and it’s nice to have others to talk to! 
                We’ve been to the beach almost every afternoon so far – every time it’s been pretty windy and chilly, but my kids don’t care they are always soaked to the skin with ice Cold Ocean!  Crazies!
                    Yes, I’ve touched the water…no I shall not enter until later this summer!
Wednesday Mark came home at lunch and finished up his work from home.  We loaded the kids up and went to play at that beach we found on the first day.  This one sits down lower which has great coverage from the wind.  It was a cold day still…didn’t matter – kids AND Mark had a ball! Made more friends too! 
As we were leaving Keegan got a little afraid because there was an army of seagulls that looked to be waiting for him at the top of the steps.  He turns to us and yells, “Hurry guys…these Sea Eagles wanna fight.  I’ll run at them, Ella, You catch one!” HAHAHAHAHA!! 
We hit Bubba Gump’s night for dinner and again sat out over the water and watched those super cute sea otters play! 
Mike got here super later Wednesday night and I got the rest of our stuff Thursday morning before they headed to work.  It was SO nice to have the rest of what I needed to do some cooking! SO…me and the kids hit the grocery and we had Chicken, noodle-roni, and veggies for dinner!  Then popped some corn (it’s totally old school with the microwave…it doesn’t even have a pop corn button…I mean really! (HA!) Anyway, we all had a fun family movie night!
So…Keegan’s a riot…he asked me what this great noodle stuff was called (from the noodle-roni stuff from dinner) I told him that it was Angel Hair pasta.  He immediately looks up completely concerned and yells, ‘You mean I’m eating hair from an Angel? Did she die?’  I LOVE THIS BOY!  Mark and I cracked up tiring to explain why it was called Angel Hair pasta!
Earlier he asked Mark to look at his 'Stain' on his leg (before we left he fell and got a nice large bruise on his thigh!!
For lunch today (Friday) we had Guacamole chips yummy! He wanted more and asked, “Hey Mom, throw me some of those Broc-a-molie chips, would’ya?”  HAAAAA!  Again…I LOVE THIS BOY!
 I find that the hardest part about living in this shoebox of an apartment is that we live on the 2nd floor…and trying to keep these kids from jumping, running, wrestling, etc is virtually impossible!  We’ve met the people under us and totally apologized in advance!
 This weekend is suppose to be a little warmer - so we are going exploring!  We are adjusting but it's been a VERY long and tough week...I keep thinking that soon my vacation will be over and we'll be headed home soon, but things are just getting started!
Good Night/Good Morning!

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