Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Troopers for the Egg Hunt!

                                    So they say third time’s the charm? Let’s hope so cause this coming Saturday will be our third attempt to ‘find’ the Easter Egg Hunt (no pun intended!).  This past weekend we tried Friday AND Saturday morning to get to the Sea Otter Classic’s Easter Egg Hunt. 
             Friday we followed our ‘Nab-a-gation” and it took us into town…oops! So we went to what we’d been told was the ‘upper-class’ beach, Carmel Beach (hmmm funny how we have a Carmel in Indy as well).  So we went to check it out and that beach was beautiful with huge sand dunes.  We grabbed Subway for lunch and sat on the beach for a picnic.  I about flipped when a squirrel seriously came right up to Grissom and tried to take his sandwich OUT OF HIS HAND!!  Holy Rabies!!  He ducked away as I waved and screamed at him, but that little booger wouldn’t stop…he runs the other way and shows up inches from Keegan’s food!  I felt like we were fighting a fake squirrel in the movies! It was hilarious after we won!  Mark grabbed my phone and took video of it cause we don’t think anyone will really believe it!  If I can get it on here I'll try!
                                        After lunch we played until Grissom and Mark fell asleep!  Then we played MORE!  We got to see surfers too!  This made Keegan want to surf and the next thing you know he’s rolling down the dunes then sand sledding.  Boy oh boy, let’s just said this gave the sand every opportunity to hide in areas not normal! Ha!!  Ella and Keegan also played 'Bear' (from the show Man vs. Wild).  Building a raft out of wood and sand, a fire ring, and fishign poles (sticks with seaweed tied to one end)!  What a great day!!
  Then during Saturday’s attempt to get to that same egg hunt we passed the entrance and went 5 miles the wrong way by the time someone turned us around and sent us back we were too late to get there again on time!  The Sea Otter Classic is an annual event/bike race.  It was too costly to do which is why we decided it wasn’t worth it to enter if we couldn’t let the kids do the egg hunt.  They did have other things for kids, but our kids were still a little young for them. 
                       SO…off to that Denis the Manice Park that we loved so much, the one with the huge Train Engine at the entrance!  We played again as hard as possible.  As we were preparing the '10-minutes until we leave for lunch' countdowndown we went to the train.  I sat and watched the kids play on the Train and noticed this little dark haired girl in a super cute dress, a Madeline Jane dress (which is a trunk show company of super cute girlie clothes, hand sewn, based out of Indiana).  Anyway, her mom sat down next to me and I just asked her if she made the dress?  We started a little small talk and she mentioned her ‘mom’s group’ I jumped right on that one and just asked, “Do you go to MOPS?” she said, “Yes.”  SO I asked her where and she responded, “I go to MOPS at Shoreline Community Church.”  I told her that we’d just visited that church last Sunday and were planning on going back this Sunday!  I then proceeded to tell her that I was looking to get involved in a MOPS group because I really loved meeting the mom’s back in Indy…etc. She interrupted me, “Wait…hold on, just wait a second!!” She was looking at her phone.  She pulls up and reads this e-mail to me.  It was an e-mail from a gal, Jillian, a gal whom I talked to over the phone earlier that week.  She’d called me as a representative from Shoreline to welcome us to the area and the church and to see how they could help us get involved!  And she sent out e-mails to the different groups (MOPS, Men’s & Women’s Bible Study, and Small Groups) telling them about us and our desire to meet people and get involved! 
What do you say?  This area is huge and there are awesome parks on every corner…and of all places to meet and randomly talk with a women who was going to be contacting me that week anyhow was just again nothing other than a total ‘GOD-THING’ I mean really…He’s been giving me confirmation after confirmation that I…we…our whole family is where He wants and needs us to be.  This woman was also blown away.  Her name is Debbie and we met her whole family and Mark got to meet her husband as well!  She even told me that they don’t come to this park often, but were driving by and just happened to stop for about 30 minutes! We planned to meet them and sit with them that next morning, but Grissom woke up with a little fever so we went to the later service and hung out in the family room with him.  But we did see Debbie and her husband and got to talk to them!
Anyway, we left the park, had lunch at home and headed to our pool here…FREEZING!!    Mark, Ella, Keegan, AND Grissom all loved it after the hypothermia kicked in and they all started feeling warmer (a.k.a. blue)!  This is probably why Grissom woke up with a fever, hmmm!?! He wouldn’t stop jumping in!!  Keegan’s swimming like a fish and jumping in as well and Ella was totally thrilled to be able to walk the entire width of the 3 foot area with her head above the water!
   Mommy hung out in the hot tub a tad and then held Grissom until he fell asleep in my arms again (I can get used to that!!)  We ended the evening with popcorn and M&M’s watching Tangled!
The ONLY thing that made this great day even better was that we got to Skype in the morning with Maria, Alyssa, and Emma.  Then that afternoon with Carlie, Shane, Aiden, Blake, and Anna…then we ended the evening Skyping with Mom, Dad, and Jeffrey!  We got to SEE tons of those we love and that always makes you feel good!    

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