Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday: We found the library!

                So once daddy got up this morning we’d just finished school and were ready to take him out and find the library!  We found it and explained to the kids that quiet was important – being respectful was the key.  So we are walking in and Ella asks, “What’s a library for?” Keegan jumped ALL over this with his response.  He says, “Oh, you know…it’s for quiet…for reading books…for helping you fall asleep…” hahaha!!  I’m not sure where he got that?!?  We hung out there for a good few hours just reading and reading.  Ella was super pumped cause she found gazillions of books she can read just by herself!  Grissom even sat thru a handful!!  Keegan happened upon that book, “The Dog who farts.” And made Mark read it!!  FUNNY!  We got back into the van afterwards, and as we pull out Keeg yells with excitement, “and I didn’t even fall asleep!  That was great!”
I LOVE this family!
So there you have it…I seem to do really good with up-dates on Monday thru Thursday cause those are the nights I don’t get Mark with me…so just know that I’ll probably NOT be updating much over the weekends – But I am sure having fun with this!   

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