Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cell Phone Pics...

Keegan IS SO funny! He put this on his head and came over to me and said, "Hey ma, take my picture and send it to people so they can laugh!" I sent it as a text and told him it was done and he says, "Mom, did you send it to everyone??  In the whole wide world?? Even satan?? Cause I don't want him to get it!"

Going out to dinner...SO COOL!

SO Pretty!!  She's all of a sudden caring how she looks...hmmm.

Our first Sunday heading to Shoreline.

Our first Sunday in Monterey, this was where we watched the baptisms from Shoreline Church.


I love these pics!

I ALSO love MY sleeping babies!

This was from the 17-mile drive, some of these might be just enjoy them again!  This was Point Joe, the Restless Sea!

Another from the 17-mile Drive!

An Awesome tree on the 17-mile Drive.

Carmel Beach...this was the picnic that a squirrel seriously walked up within 1-2 inches from Grissom's hand holding his sandwich and ALMOST took it...this was funny...we have a video...I wonder if I can get that on here? hmmm...

This is the little stinker eating the apple Grissom threw at him because he scared him so! ha!

Cuddle time/nap time with mom!

Ella and Keegan very seriously playing 'Bear' (Man vs. Wild) This is their fire, they made fishing poles too!

We walked down the pier @ the Fisherman's Wharf and Ella and Keegan took notice of all the floating buoys.  Keegan asks, "So is that God's bobber from Him fishing too?"  Ella said, "No, silly those are the fisherman's bobbers!" HA!!

They are everywhere out here; sea lions...

My beautiful family next to an awesome fishing boat.

Oh, the sea lions STINK!

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