Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day - I got an entire weekend!

What a SUPER fun fun fun weekend!! 
Because we skipped our usual laundry/tennis day this past Wednesday we did it this Friday.  Wednesday was TOO beautiful to do laundry and NOT the beach…it was finally a more fabulous day then one could ever hope for on an ocean vacation.  The wind was slim to none and the sun was awesome and our temp was about 77 degrees!  I got a nice layer of sun even with the sunscreen!  It got hot enough that I let my foot get covered in the ocean water!
               Friday we rented the tennis rackets drove our week and a half worth of laundry down to the laundry room and tennis courts and IT was on!  I’ve always known Mark to be a little on the competitive side…but holy cow he could hardly wait to get a 2nd chance to win and beat me in tennis.  So we got the laundry started and headed to the courts.  They have 2 side by side and all fenced in so the kids take one (we bought them a bad mitten set to play around with) and Mark and I played our game…I felt bad for him…I’m not THAT good,  but I can play.  I won the first 3 games…then back to laundry.  I thought he’d had enough and I was pretty tired cause playing with him normally means LOTS of fun running! Ha!!  So I think he was mad cause he challenged me to another set of 3 games.  This time he got lucky and won or I got tired of his cry babiness!  So we left the courts with 3 wins each and the laundry was done!
                After the game Mark told me that we needed to go shopping.  I was fine with that but our apt had just exploded into pure chaos!  Ella’s singing Tangled on her bed at the top of her lungs while spinning, Keegan’s playing ninja boy (which is kicking, hi-ya ing, and throwing things) in the family room, meanwhile Mark’s in the kitchen putting stuff away from lunch and I’m in the bathroom putting away towels and freshening up before we leave.  I hear Grissom screaming and noticed him running in circles, I hear a loud bang, assumed he hit the ground, then I finally saw why and about exploded with laughter and gagging!  He’d gotten his potty seat over his head and it was stuck like a necklace and he was running around out of fear!  I called to Mark and we got it off…I washed that pour boys neck at least 3 times before we left! Ha!!  It WAS funny!!  Finally we are off to shop.
                 Earlier I’d downloaded a bunch of new fun games and other apps I’d found on my phone – free of course! And I downloaded one without thinking much about it.  It was a whoopee cushion app.  So I pulled it out on our way to shop.  It was pretty funny, but I’ve never had so much fun laughing over something as stupid as tootie noises!  But between Keegan and Grissom, and finally Ella (she kept thinking they were real!) between all their laughing hysteria Mark and I just couldn’t help it.  It was so cute to see them all SO tickled…but once their loud laughs turning into the ‘earthquake’ laugh I knew an end must come or someone was going to get sick! (The Earthquake laugh was invented from Carlie’s laugh, it’s when you get to laughing SO hard that your whole body shakes uncontrollably and your loudness turns into total quiet probably due to lack of breathing!)
                 I was tricked into shopping at Old Navy ALONE while dad took the kids to a nearby place to shop for mom…ME!  They must have known what they were after because I was in the dressing room checking out some yummy fun things I might ‘need’ when all of a sudden I hear them.  Yes…throughout the entire Old Navy we could ALL hear them…screaming, “MOM…where are our mom? Where are you?”  I had a brief moment of fear thinking if I stayed in here quiet they’d never find me.  But just then I heard Keegan running down the stales of the dressing room area opening each door that would open saying, “Ma…you in this one?”  I couldn’t help it, I giggled and he came sliding in on his tummy!  I was SO glad it was MY stale ha!  You’d a thought I’d been away from them for at least a week with all the cheers I got when they’d found me!  We left with NEW jeans for Mark to work in (again!), a fun sun hat for me, and Ella and Keegan each got their very own real live whoopee cushion!  Oh, how fun that made the trip to dinner!! 
We went out for pizza.  IF you come out to see us we are taking you here!!  It’s a place called Me & Ed’s and it was fabulous…the food at least!  Pour Ella almost starved though.  They had a full house of new guys and our sausage pizza got lost…and Ella refused to eat our BBQ Hawaiian pizza. But no worries her pizza ended up being FREE!  Way to take one for the team, El! Anyway, we had a great day just being together!
                           Saturday was super fun too.  Do get tired of me saying that about every day? Ha!  So we found a free festival in Marina which is like the next town over from us here in Seaside.  This was the 13th Annual WIND Festival and seeing that our weekend started off with tons of breaking wind we thought it the most appropriate place ever!  We got there and it was fabulous!  It was a nice large plot of park with a few baseball fields all open.  And on the short end was a good 3-4 huge jumpy air toys, the middle was open for anyone who wanted to enjoy the wind by flying a kite!  They had a few giant one ones up and flying nice and high!  Down the outside of this field were tents of all kinds, some vendors selling things and food, but a huge kids' craft tent, and MY Museum was there with a bunch of fun play things for the kids! We were there all day!  We took our picnic lunch and pretty much stayed there until late afternoon!  The kids got their faces painted; they created their own kites, and jumped and ran, and ran, and ran.  IT was great!  We picnicked by the live stage listening and dancing to the live music and then the kids went back for more jumping!
                  Then I got Mom-napped and taken to P.F.Changs as my surprise dinner!! WOW!  But on the way, the air got spoiled…Mark was chatting with me about my phone and my kindle app on my cell phone (I do not have a kendle...this was his big mistake!).  He was asking me questions about downloading books.  And the kids overheard, from the back seat we hear Ella say, “Dad…you just told mom!?!”  Mark tried to ignore and acted like he didn’t hear her but Keegan made it worse by yelling, “Yeah, mom…it’s a Kendle for you mom!”  I just laughed and said, “Sweet!  I can’t wait…sorry honey, but Keegan always spoils it!”  I could see Mark was starting to take it personally and I quickly reminded him about Christmas.  Me and the kids went out and bought Mark a last minute gift, one of those toy helicopters.  We got home right before Mark did and so Keegan’s job was to quickly run it up to my closet and close the door.  Little did I think it through cause Mark and Keegan met up and Keeg runs to my closet throwing his little body up against the door and says, “Dad!  It’s not a helicopter!!” And so now we know that not telling Keegan is just the way to go! Ha!!  We HAD to laugh cause now it seemed we were even! 
We got to P.F.Changs and Grissom was out cold!  So cold that I carried him all the way in and sat down with him…he didn’t even wake up until his food was on the table and when he did wake up he was SO happy and ready to eat it was so cute!  I’ve never had such a great time with my family as I did this day and night!
Sunday was hard…real hard!  I missed all our family.  We knew my mom was going to be planting flowers like traditionally we do every year with her and we figured Roxanne was out and about giving love to Scott’s Mom, Grandma Wortley!  I also knew that both my mom's were without the earthly reminders of their own mothers and my mom's mother-n-law!  So...it was hard!
                   But let me tell you about MY mother’s day!  I started by getting woken up by Ella in my face whispering, “Mommy…oh mommy…we have a surprise for you!” And sure enough she led me to the table where the kids and daddy had made pancakes!  Mine was a heart shaped pancake!  I got teary eyed because this was the first year my kids were truely old enugh to create their own things for me...and I got a kindle and the most beautiful cards and Ella colored me a fabulous picture! Ella wrote me a story.  It shadowed our Bible story from the last week when Jesus brought the widow's son back to life as they were carring his dead body to the barial.  We talked about how that mom must have flet and what it meant for her to be a widow.  And how the Bible said that Jesus felt sorry for this woman and so he raised her son. Mark t old me later about their conversation prior to her wirting: Daddy, "Ella, do you want to write mom a poem or a little story?" Ella says, "Yes, I've got it all planned out dad.  The story I'm going to write her is pretty sad, but it gets amazing! I'm going to write about a mom who's crying cause her son died, but then the son comes to her and says, 'Hy mom, why are you crying, I'm not dead any more!'" Mark then smiles and says, "Are you sure you don't want to write something about mom for mothers day?" Ella says, "No dad, this is an Acredible story about God's healing and she'll love it!"
 We went to church where the theme for the sermon series was “There’s No Place Like Home” so I sat there trying not to cry cause on Mother’s day that couldn’t have felt more true! But it was a good sermon!  There IS no place like Heaven home!!  And it was cool cause we are in the midst of reading the Great Wizard of Oz with the kids in school!  After church we were headed to the beach and silly us had to pass by the Wind festival still in progress…SO we stopped again!  And again the kids jumped away and then Ella had a nice Snowman painted on her face again, then we ended by making little windmills!  The kids tried to fly kites on the beach afterwards but the wind was way too windy and way too cold so they took me back home.  I got to rest and read my Kindle while Ella and Keegan picked up the apartment and Daddy and Grissom fixed dinner!  It was fabulous!  We ate chicken nuggets cut-up over fettuccine Alfredo (Ms. Dana Style!)  with a side of peas and yummy watermelon!  It was delish!  Then we all cuddled and watched a movie with yummy peanut butter cookies blessed with M&M’s!
                                                   What a fabulous weekend! 
The bad news is that I had SO much fun over the weekend that I woke up with a spaz out back.  The bed we’ve been sleeping on his given both Mark and I major back pain anyway…but this morning I couldn’t sit up let alone stand up!  Mark rubbed and elbowed and pushed SO much but nothing helped.  So I crawled to the family room floor and lay on a heating pad and Mark bought me ibuprofen which helped.  We’ve been talking back and forth about what our options are with the office ladies.  Last week they gave us a nice little egg crate cover to try sleeping on, but it didn’t work…so now we are looking into getting a huge queen sized air mattress instead of the bed.  Meanwhile I’m praying that this pain will pass.  I’m stretching as much as I can right now.  I called a chiropractor but never heard back so I’ll probably try somewhere else tomorrow if I wake up like this.  I’ve NEVER felt such pain!  The kids were great tonight helping me.  They made dinner, Peanut butter and honey sandwiches with strawberries and cherry tomatoes with milk too!  It was SO cute watching them make sandwiches by themselves.  Ella bossing Keegan, Keegan telling Grissom not to worry cause he was making his sandwich.  Then Ella said, “Hey Mom, remember when we were at Ms. Lauren’s and she let us make our own sandwiches for the first time ever?” I said, “Yes.” And she added, “Cause I think it’s cause of that time that we are SO good at this!”  Ha!!

I'll throw out pics tomorrow evening!!
Much love...and hope ALL you moms had the BEST MOTHER'S DAY EVER!!

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