Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Monster Truck Weekend part 2

Potty Time AGAIN!
Ok…we aren’t potty training, not really.  Grissom is just obsessed with wanting to go like Keegan does.  So I tried putting him on his potty seat (when the seat got stuck on his head it hadn’t been used) and said, “OK…go potty, tell that peeper to go.”  Grissom sucks in his tummy and says, “Go Peeper, go…do it!”  And low and behold he went!  I think he was more shocked then anyone!  So we cheered for him and he got a special treat for going – he was pumped!
We’ve been putting him on the potty when he wants to go, along with in the morning and before bed and he will go almost every time, but he’s still going in the diaper.  No complains just taking it real slow.  I do think he’s smart enough to go JUST to get his treat.  He’ll go and then say, “Ma…my ‘pecial freat!’”   
We went to the mall Saturday after dinner and on the way the boys got the “Giccups” (hiccups) Grissom calls them giccups…which is just too funny!

Saturday afternoon we just relaxed.  After lunch the kids were given assigned areas to just play in before bed time came.  You may laugh at assigning play areas, but we are living on top of each other here…so Keegan had his bed and cars, Grissom played in the closet with “Woody, Woody, Woody, Woody, and Hee-Haw, while Ella got the family room (we rotate BTW) where she played with Savannah (her doll) and Rosa belle (her horse).  Mark and I are on the couch reading (did you hear that…we CHOSE to READ!!) Everything was going wonderfully!!  Everyone was playing SO well.  Then we about wet ourselves listening to Ella scolding her play time friends.  She kept yelling at them to stop fighting so she’d have to give spanks, etc.  It got quiet for a moment and then we hear her gasp.  “Rosa belle…why would you do such a thing…Savannah, get up! Rosa belle you are done…I can’t believe you’d choose to hurt Savannah like that.”  We couldn’t help but glance her way to see what merited such scorning.  Rosa belle was getting ready to smash Savannah’s face in with her hoof.  But what made this funny was that Ella tossed Savannah to the side while she was getting something else and she just happened to land in this position!  We got a pic:

We headed out to the mall because they were having a Water Appreciation Day.  They were promoting water conservation and were going to have booths with information about gardening smart (my thing) and  turf grasses (Mark’s thing) and we both wanted just to see what it was going to be like but they’d ended it before we got there, oh well.  I told Mark I only wanted to go cause last weekend we hit the Wind Festival so this weekend would have been the Water…and we’d have to fine the FIRE whatever next weekend! Ha!!
 Get it…WIND, WATER, and RAIN!!  Ok…so I thought it was funny! 
So instead of the water thing we ended up getting me a blue tooth for my phone.  California has a hands free law here and I’ve been warned by a handful of people that I would get pulled over for talking on my phone in the car.  So now I get to be one of those people I’ve ALWAYS secretly laughed at because they look so dumb walking around the stores talking to themselves! Ha!! 
It reminds me of the guy who cares enough to say thank you with his pinkie!! Ha!! 
Anyway, after trying it out with Mark I feel like I can use it but I still feel dumb!  But the good news is now I can talk to myself without people looking at me strangely…cause they’ll just think I’m talking on my tooth thingy in my ear (cause EVERYONE looks like they are talking to themselves here)  in fact I have gotten strange looks for walking through the stores holding my phone while talking on it! 
Sunday was great!  Church was nice.  We finished the ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ series talking about marriage.  It was a good sermon!  We came home long enough to feed the kids and drink our smoothies then we took off for the MONSTER TRUCK show!  Everyone was super excited.  We pulled in and Mark said, “did you bring the camera?”  I felt terrible.  It wasn’t my thing so I’d thought nothing of bringing the camera.  I did get the thought but I figured Mark would grab it.  But no fear…we used my phone!!  The kids had their ear phones on and looked as cute as could be!  WE got up to our seats and saw that this area was all outdoors with a beautiful Mountain View right beside us.
  Mark also noticed that the Rodeo is coming for Keegan’s birthday which totally excited him.  Keegan seriously with ALL his cute little heart thinks the rodeo is only coming because of HIS birthday…so guess who’s going to see the rodeo in July! Ha!!  Anyway, we were all ready for these trucks to do their thing.  They came out and the first 20 minutes were amazing…awesome…cool…oh yeah…etc. everyone was loving it.  I thought it was neat to watch them but all they were doing was racing in a circle after jumping over a dirt but…it quickly turned into Keegan asking when it was going to be over.  It was just Keegan who had bits and pieces of discontentment.  The rest of us where having a ball…Keegan just wanted nonstop action and they had to switch out the trucks and stuff.  They also filled the space with a 4-wheeler race and then a little truck race which was super cool cause one truck flipped over and another lost his back wheel.  Then at the end each truck came out and showed off its stuff…THAT was the COOL PART!  All the kids cheered and loved it!  It was pretty cool to see.  Now that I’ve done it I can say that I have and check it off my list…it’s not something I feel needs to be done more than once a life time, BUT Because it’s Mark’s thing…it will become MY thing…this is my job as the wife!  So I will love watching Mark love watching these Trucks!  It was super cute to watch him…he was like a kid!
After this we hit Me&Ed’s Pizzeria again.  We talked to the owner who told us this was a CA franchise only, but he happened to be from Ft. Wayne IN!!

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