Thursday, May 19, 2011

What? Room to move...YES!

So when we bought the blender to make our smoothies we got Kohl's me and the kids went to spend it tonight because daddy worked the day shift today (poor guy they keep going back and forth with week he'll do ALL days then switch back to nights again!) Anyway, I needed something to do until bedtime so this was it!! 
                         My goal, spend no more then $5 of my own money...get something fun!
I managed to get to the dressing room with a handful of long (warmer) summer dresses.  I started trying on the first one (pause: Grissom's in his stroller and Ella is in charge of him...Keegan's in the cart with the dresses) and I hear Keegan relieving some air (not a burp) then immediately says, "Who cut the cheese!?!"  And once that was over I heard laughter from at least 3 other women in the dressing room. 
                                           Thank you Keegan! 
     The dress looked nice, but I could see the problem that lie am I going to get through the other 4 with him acting like this and being SO loud and giggly about it?  So it came to me...brilliance: I said, "I am an animal...who lives in the forest...who am I?"  Then we gave the game a few rules: they had to ask me yes or no questions and could only guess at who I was after asking each question.  They took turns also so they had to listen to the other's question and my answer!  SWEET!  I jumped through the rest of the dresses and loved a few of them (unusual) and ended up spending $4.35 of my own $$  yeah, under the $5 I had!!  I know I'm a big spender!

                                  But the FUN part was when we got home Daddy was up in the apartment with tons of 2X4s building we came closer we saw that he was building the kids' bunk-beds so they can have a little bit of floor space in their rooms!!  We were ALL so excited! 
               The funny thing was when we put them down to sleep they played and giggled forever.  Mark went in at one point and said, "Come on guys...quite down it's time to sleep..."  Keegan interrupts and says very serious, "But dad...I'm nocturnal...I don't sleep at night, I have to stay up like you dad!"  It was funny!

Ok...this weekend should be full of fun...we plan to see the Aquarium tomorrow then a few other fun things!
                                                             Write soon!!
p.s. IF you are following this and you haven't heard, Shane, my brother-n-law went to the ER again today for diverticulitis and is in major need of surgery because of it...please pray that this infection with heal up quickly and that they will be able to find someone to do the surgery before he gets another out break...then pray for a good surgery and a quick recovery...and every one's sanity in the Cope household!!
Love you!!

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