Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This Past Tuesday while having school...

Tuesday at school our Bible lesson was talking about the Epileptic Boy (with demon) that Jesus healed (Matt 17:14-21, Mark 9:14-39, and Luke 9:37-43) Anyway we were talking about what it meant to be epileptic which lead to seizures and what they meant and looked like which then lead to a friend of ours from our Small Group and his name is Noah.  My kids like playing with him but he is a child that suffers from seizures.  This is the conversation that took place:
Mommy, “OK, a seizure is when your body jerks and shakes and you cannot control them.  Your buddy Noah from small group has this not fun struggle.  His brain has an ouches and causes this to happen to him, he’s had his brain worked on too…”
Ella, “Noah?  Really?  I love him, his brain looks great, but he shakes?  Is it like a dance?”
Mommy, “Oh, no…it’s not a dance at all, Keegan you with us? What are you thinking?”
Keegan is staring right over my head and after I said that his eyes got real big and he was very serious when he said, “Mom, are you talking about Noah…from the ark?”
“No Keeg, I said Noah from our small group…” I answered
He interrupted me with, “Oh…Noah…the…kid? I love that kid…we play.”
I just thought this was too funny NOT to tell!!  We do love Noah and pray for him often!!  In fact after that Ella got quiet and said, “I really miss him.”  Keegan agrees.  But as I looked over at him I about lost it.  He’s laying upside down on the couch with his feet up in the air and his head hanging off which again was a normal thing so I didn’t think much about it until I zoned into the pink color coming out of his nose a bit worried.  As I looked closer I saw he’d created a perfect ball out of his gum and he ‘closed’ his nose hole with it!  We all started laughing and it shot up in the air! It was SICK but funny!  So this gave us the wonderful opportunity to talk about what goes up our noses and what’s not allowed!  

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